Camera model
Raspberry Camera Module V2.1
What is the problem?
"Webcam stream not loaded". I tried many solutions but didn't come to a conclusion over what it could be.
What did you already try to solve it?
I searched through a lot of forums and tried many solutions, but none worked for me.
I tried the casual re-insert the ribbon cables (also in the right way) which didn't work. I also tried enabling camera and I2C(?) in 'sudo raspi-config'.
I tried to look if the webcam works from the command line, but it says supported=1 detected=0 which means that it might be faulty i guess?
I also tried re-inserting the cam in the PCB (it felt a bit loose) but that also didn't work for me.
Logs (/var/log/webcamd.log
, syslog, dmesg, ... no logs, no support)
2020-08-11 11:09:58,353 - octoprint.plugins.anywhere - WARNING - {u'mjpeg_stream_tier': 1, u'UserId': 47377, u'camResolution': u'medium', u'name': u'My First 3D Printer', u'premium_video': True, u'flipV': False, u'octolapseOptedIn': None, u'recordTimelapse': False, u'rotate90N': False, u'token': u'TYIZKIJN887PPDHULA1KV1XQYJL0FTF5', u'lastSeen': None, u'flipH': False, u'updatedAt': u'2020-08-11T10:09:55.873Z', u'deletedAt': None, u'rotate90': False, u'id': 58139, u'createdAt': u'2020-08-11T10:09:55.873Z', u'subscription': u'pro'}
2020-08-11 11:09:58,356 - octoprint.plugins.anywhere - WARNING - Printer is eligible for premium video streaming.
2020-08-11 11:09:58,668 - backoff - INFO - Backing off capture_mjpeg(...) for 0.2s (URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>)
2020-08-11 11:09:58,840 - backoff - INFO - Backing off capture_mjpeg(...) for 1.7s (URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>)
2020-08-11 11:10:00,519 - backoff - INFO - Backing off capture_mjpeg(...) for 2.1s (URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>)
2020-08-11 11:10:02,608 - backoff - INFO - Backing off capture_mjpeg(...) for 2.5s (URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>)
2020-08-11 11:10:05,164 - backoff - INFO - Backing off capture_mjpeg(...) for 3.5s (URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>)
2020-08-11 11:10:08,623 - backoff - INFO - Backing off capture_mjpeg(...) for 5.1s (URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>)
2020-08-11 11:10:13,702 - backoff - INFO - Backing off capture_mjpeg(...) for 1.5s (URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>)
2020-08-11 11:10:15,255 - backoff - INFO - Backing off capture_mjpeg(...) for 50.3s (URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>)
2020-08-11 11:10:18,617 - octoprint.plugins.anywhere - ERROR - Camera is not enabled. Try running 'sudo raspi-config' and ensure that the camera has been enabled.
Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, ...)
OctoPrint v1.4.2.
Sorry for my bad english, not my native language.