I have install octoprint on a Raspberry 3 B+ with a mSATA SSD 120gb.
I have use this installation without issues 2-3 days but one days, the Raspberry won't start anymore...I have the red power led and the blue led of the SSD but nothing happend.
I have order a new Raspberry and have install again octoprint on the SSD. +/- 10 secs I have see the led blink and I was sute that everything was OK but when I have connect the USB cable to my Ender 3 pro printer...I had the same issue and I can't not anymore the system on the Raspberry.
I have try to connect the system to a HDMI screen to try to see something but I see nothing...system don't start anymore.
It's my second rasbperry in 2 days
Can somebody explain me what's the issue ? what's wrong?
Are you saying that the Raspberry Pi is destroyed each time?
Try a vanilla installation without the SSD drive (which consumes power from the Raspberry Pi 3B). It's possible that you're just trying to use too much of the power provided from the 5V adapter for the SSD drive's use and it's keeping the Pi from booting up.
Normally, the adapter should provide 5V @ 2.5A. The microUSB connection is probably only rated to receive in 2.1A of that per the specifications. Once the Pi is running and it's providing power to things connected to it (USB, ribbon cables, GPIO, HDMI, micro SD) then if the voltage drops down below 4.64V it will complain and even throttle. There's probably a point below this where it simply will shut down.
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For me the question is: How did you attach the mSATA drive to the Pi? Raspberry Pi has no genuine mSATA support.
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i will try with a SSD card....
with a "simple" ssd card everything is ok. thanks