Raspberry Pi Cam 2 no longer working

Camera model

Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2

What is the problem?

command "vcgencmd get_camera"
"supported=1 detected=0, libcamera interfaces=1"

command "libcamera-hello"
" Preview window unavailable

[0:28:02.180874628] [1329] INFO Camera camera_manager.cpp:297 libcamera v0.0.5+83-bde9b04f

ERROR: *** no cameras available **"

I was experiencing so much latency after connecting my Raspberry Pi Cam V2 that it was completely unusable. I am over wifi for now, so I figured it would be like that during high traffic times of day, but I'm home during those times, so its less important. Still I wanted it to have no more than like, 60 seconds or so of delay if at all possible so that I can detect failures before 20 minutes goes by and everything is beyond repair. So I asked chatGPT for some help and gave it access to Terminal on my Mac. I'm pretty new to this, so I figured I could use the help. I think it was a mistake ultimately. Initially, chatGPT was able to help me to change the frame rate and resolution within /boot/camera-streamer/libcamera.conf (I believe). This helped bring the lag within more reasonable parameters, but we had a bit of trouble getting there. At first, chatGPT kept giving me information on changing parameters under the old disk image. But I was using the new camera stack and it wasn't accepting those commands. Somehow I was able to troubleshoot myself enough to force chatGPT to go to a link within the coding explanations that made it realize I was using the new camera stack version, and then we went from there. Nevertheless, chatGPT then suggests that opening the webcam stream in a separate browser window or within VLC may improve the latency a bit as well. So I try it only to discover that I can not connect to the webcam via browser or VLC using the link in the octoprint settings, nor another tab, another Chrome window, another DuckDuckGo instance, or VLC. Which makes zero sense... To me at least. So I start troubleshooting with chatGPT again in Terminal. If I'm not mistaken, I end up updating the Pi firmware, updating Pi OS, downloading mjpg-streamer, vtl tools, etc; going back and forth and running tests to see if I can get the webcam stream in a browser. Nothing works and Im frustrated, Im just gonna print something whatever. I give up and go back to Octoprint to move on and start a print. Screw it, it'll lag a bit. I'll hardwire it, yah know? Hah.

...Wait a minute. My camera feed is gone all together now... Back to troubleshooting... hah.

What did you already try to solve it?

I've tried just about everything I think. Since Id already updated the firmware and OS, and my camera went from working slowly to not working at all, I reflashed the SD card to begin with. No change at all, went through the motions again and again, ie firmware, app, and OS updates, making alterations within /camera-streamer/libcam.conf. Making changes changes to /boot/config.txt. Tried adding in lines line "start_x=1" or "camera_auto_defect=1." Added "dtoverlay=imx219," just different stuff using suggestions from chatGPT and things I found here concerning similar difficulties until finally I once again tried to reflash the new camera stack image, but this time i formatted the SD card first. Still no luck with the third new camera stack image. So I booted the device down, removed my Pi Cam v2 and hooked up a Pi Cam v2 noIR with a different ribbon cable... Exact same story. Hah. went into raspi-config and turned on the legacy camera option (again), with my current setup I can get at least get "supported=1 detected=0, libcamera interfaces=1" which is better than it has been, cause at least I've got the libcamera interface back, but thats as far as I can seem to get it no matter what I try to add or subtract or install or whatever else.

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!)

dmesg.log (36.0 KB)
system.log (203.7 KB)
webcamd.log (107 Bytes)

Additional information about your setup

Raspberry Pi model Pi 4B GB, Octotoprint version 1.10.3, Octopi version 1.0.0, camera model Raspberry Pi Camera v2/Pi Camera v2 noIR, printer: Ender 3 V3 SE**

Any and all help is much appreciated. This has been going on for a week now and its driving me crazy. hah,.

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