My hardware
Raspberry Pi Camera V2
Raspberry Pi 4 w/ 4GB RAM
What is the problem?
"Webcam stream not loaded"
I have had Octoprint installed and everything working fine for several weeks. Yesterday the camera stopped working. Not sure what I did, but I think it coincided with updates to various plugins and perhaps Octoprint itself.
What did you already try to solve it?
[Note: in the course of doing these things I determined that the hardware seems to be fine, but in the interest of showing that I tried to solve this myself first, here are all of the steps (that I can remember).]
- Made sure ribbon cable was properly connected.
- Tried different ribbon cables.
- Ordered a new Pi Camera V2, installed it, in case I zapped the old one.
- Searched this forum and the web in general.
- Futzed around with various diagnostic steps from forums and other websites.
sudo systemctl restart webcamd
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get update --fix-missing
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt full-upgrade
sudo raspi-config, Interfaces, etc.
sudo service webcamd start various sequences, and in every instance rebooting and re-testing. (Side question: does it matter if I reboot via SSH or from within the Octoprint web interface?)
vcgencmd get_camera
which returned:supported=1 detected=1
Finally figured out how to get a test image with
raspistill -v -o test.jpg
and that worked - I can see an image - so the camera(s), cables, and Pi all work ok, which tell me it's something with Octoprint itself. (Wish I had found the test image thing before ordering the second Camera module, but hey, now I have two!) -
Tried restoring Octoprint backups.
Tried restarting Octoprint in Safe Mode.
I don't seem to have a webcamd.log, but I found this journalctl -u webcamd
which returned 4000+ lines of results, which are apparently too long to paste in this forum, so...I put them here, hope that's ok:
Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, ...)
I think everything is up to date:
OctoPrint 1.5.3
Python 2.7.16
OctoPi 0.17.0
Ender 3 V2 printer
macOS 11.2
Safari 14.0.3 and Firefox 86.0
I have done updates via SSH (as noted above) and from within Octoprint and it says everything is up to date (which is suspicious to me because I'm pretty sure the last Backup that I restored (see above steps) was before I updated the plugins yesterday, so I'm not sure how everything could still be "up to date"...)
I'm sure this is a dumb and oft-repeated question, but I've been trying for a day and a half, so any other pointers would be welcome. Thanks!