Raspberry Pi Kamera Modul 3 an Raspberry Pi Zero 2W

Camera model

Raspberry Pi Kamera Modul 3

What is the problem?

Kamerabild verschwindet nach einer Weile oder steht nach dem Systemstart gar nicht zur Verfügung (selten). Nur Neustart des Pi kann Kamerabild wieder starten.

What did you already try to solve it?

Neuinstallation des Octoprint OS mit dem Kamerasupport für Model 3 (inkl. update + full-upgrade)

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?

Nicht getestet

Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!)

Octoprint 1.9.3, OctoPi 1.0.0cam

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible

Ich arbeite mit dem Safari Browser und der OctoPod App. Wenn das Kamerabild verschwindet, passiert das in beiden Applikationen. Bei der Einrichtung von OctoPrint (erste Schritte) habe ich beim Thema Kamera nichts verändert (vielleicht war das der Fehler?).

Auf jeden Fall funktioniert die Kamera an dem Pi.

Wenn ich im Fehlerfall http://192.168.xxx.xx/webcam/?action=stream aufrufe, erscheint “Server Error”

Since I don't understand the language I'm going to make a broad assumption, but for the picam v3 you need to flash the new camera stack image and not the stable version of OctoPi in the Raspberry Pi Imager.


thanks for your reply. What do you mean with stack image?
I thought that this is exactly what I did. From the Pi imager I choose: OctoPrint (new camera stack). Then I made an update and a full-upgrade. The camera starts to work in OctoPrint on the Pi Zero 2W but after a while the stream gets interrupted and only starts after a reboot of the Pi. During the OctoPrint setup I didn’t touch the camera configuration (maybe I have to change a few settings here?).

The update and full upgrade may have killed you. There's a bug in camera-streamer that you're dealing with.

Ok, thanks