Raspberry Pi or Linux Distro?

I have don't problem just yet. My printer is not even assembled. But I do have questions.

I have an Intel NUC available. It does have Windows 10 on it, but I do have a new SSD that I could throw a Linux distro on. I was originally thinking of doing this because I'd like to set up a node for VTC. I also have a Raspberry Pi 3B+, the 7" touchscreen, a Logitech C525 webcam and a cool AIO case.

I rather like the idea of using the Pi as a control unit with touch Touch UI. Since slicing seems ok to do on the Pi, I don't think it's CPU intensive? But I'd do modeling on my main Windows 10 rig.

I'm familiar with the Pi. I've built a RetroPie and a Pi-Hole. Any advice?

Slicing can be very cpu intensive. Perhaps it's better to slice on your Windows 10 rig. OctoPrint currently doesn't support a non web browser UI if that's what you're getting at. There is an android App however.

Thanks. I just read that there was a Touch UI plugin for OctoPrint.


Honestly, nobody slices files in OctoPrint anymore. The Cura engine plugin that's currently bundled will be removed in the next release. Just use the stand-alone Cura on one of your workstations and upload the gcode file when you're finished.

The Raspberry Pi 3B+ using the OctoPi install will be your easiest way to go. Search the forum here for the many times people have asked me how you do the touchscreen; I just helped another person this week. Also search for my TouchUI review.