Remove or bypass "mandatory login" - TouchUI

What is the problem?

Made the mistake to update to the latest Octopi version - I have only a 7" Touchscreen installed - created a user and also set "remember login" ... i had the silent hope whenever i reboot the pi it will automaticall login. WRONG - everytime my TouchUI plugin starts - i have to login. Which is a nogo tbh. I dont want to install a keyboard nor i want to have a on screen keyboard..... its a simple plain interface to control my printers.....

do i need to really downgrade? or look for another solution?

thanks for any tips!


Maybe you want to read this guide:

The default settings for AutoLoginLocal are enough to allow connected touchscreens to auto-login (, localhost) - it just needs to be enabled.

THIS is what i call absolute awesome and ultraquick in reply!

Thanks a LOT! it solved it :wink:

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