Restrict Access to OctoPi Utilizing SSL Client Certificates

That is correct.

As for tapo, I can't really help you there as I don't have one of those devices, and is technically irrelevant to this thread, you should open a new one.

Thanks @jneilliii for the guide!

I used the guide to build scripts that also support LetsEncrypt with a Cloudflare DNS Challange.
Of course, the server remains completely local and does not need to be shared externally.

So you have a valid certificate (as long as you have a domain) and you don't have to install it on Windows or other devices.


I often find myself in browser-tab-hell and would like to "progressive web app" the Octoprint URL. Is this what I need to satisfy typical browser requirements in order to do that? I'm not interested in remote access outside of LAN, I just want a stand alone web app feel for Octoprint on my desktop instead of searching through tabs and browser windows.