Reverting back from software update that failed

After updating the Octoprint Software a few days ago, my printer stops seeing T0 after its first use. I had this issue 2 years ago and figured through Putty interface what it was in the firmware and changed the Firmware to allow T0 to be used on any layer. 2 questions how do I revert back to the previous version of Octoprint that was running OK
and can updating the software have any effect on the Firmware to the printer?

What did you already try to solve it?

Tried safe mode, I get the same results

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!) With Logging selected (739.5 KB) (Logging selected)

The progression from Three color to one color, I think because it won't cycle T0 it stays on the last color used T1 and stays there

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible
Running Windows 11
Using Prusa Slicer 2.9.0 (Three extruders selected and showing)
Octoprint 1,10.3 (Was working fine till up date 4 days ago when I updated)

FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin Marlin: 1.1.8 (Github) SOURCE_CODE_URL:GitHub - MarlinFirmware/Marlin: Marlin is an optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform. Many commercial 3D printers come with Marlin installed. Check with your vendor if you need source code for your specific machine.

As I remember looking into the firmware through Putty I updated the firmware 2 years ago dealing with this issue. (Why I am curious if Octoprint software upgrades have any effect on machine firmware)

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me with correct this situation

Why is this indicating all of the extruders are invalid?

2025-02-15 23:31:13,269 - Recv: ok
2025-02-15 23:31:13,273 - Send: N475 M104 S200 T136
2025-02-15 23:31:13,279 - Recv: echo:M104 Invalid extruder 1
2025-02-15 23:31:13,280 - Warn: T0 reported as invalid, reverting to T0
2025-02-15 23:31:13,282 - Recv: ok
2025-02-15 23:31:13,283 - Warn: Not queuing T0, that tool doesn't exist according to the printer profile or was reported as invalid by the firmware. Make sure your printer profile is set up correctly.
2025-02-15 23:31:13,288 - Send: N476 M104 S200 T2
2025-02-15 23:31:13,308 - Recv: echo:M104 Invalid extruder 2
2025-02-15 23:31:13,310 - Warn: T0 reported as invalid, reverting to T0
2025-02-15 23:31:13,320 - Recv: ok
2025-02-15 23:31:13,327 - Warn: Not queuing T0, that tool doesn't exist according to the printer profile or was reported as invalid by the firmware. Make sure your printer profile is set up correctly.

Again I have to ask if the update to Octoprint is the cause of this and how do I revert back to the last version I have been running to see if this corrects the situation

no not possible.

you can copy/paste the link from the GitHub releases for OctoPrint to install a specific version, look under assets and copy the source zip url and paste that into plugin manager > get more > ...from URL.

Thanks for getting back to me. If it isn't possible for Software update to have effect on Firmware then I can reason that my issue isn't firmware but software.

Checked the assets button (thank you) and found all of the versions I can select. Next question would be can I find out what version I updated from? This way I can go back to what I know was working. I'm guessing that it was 2 years ago but not sure which one. Also could the Python have anything todo with this issue?

octoprint.log (or one of the previous rollover logs) might potentially have the version information from when it was upgraded. Are you using a mmu system or just doing color swap on later change manually? If the latter, instead of assigning color in a fake mmu setup, maybe using filament change at layer would be more appropriate in your slicer.

Don't know mmu, I am running a three color machine Geeetech A10T setup to swap color as it runs one layer into the next. I am using Prusa 2.9.0 as my slicer. This has been working beautifully since I got it setup 2+ years ago. I can swap color manually through OctoPrint on the control tab and have been doing this for troubleshooting.

Where would I find the roll over logs to see if the last version is there from 4 days ago when I said yes to the update?

The progression from 3 color to one color with the software not "seeing" any valid extruders but yet still will print off of one of them.

I believe that the last version I was running was 1.9.3 I found it on Github. located the asset and downloaded the zip file. Located plugin manager >get more, but where and how do I use this to paste and then run it? under get more there are 15 or so plugins to install but no place to load the version I wish to install.
Again thanks for your help, so far you have been the most help

I am hoping that after I figure out how to install this version 1.9.3 that all will start working again

Didn't realize going to the bottom of the page in Plugin Manager. Found the . url selection. Didn't work as I am not sure what I need to do to direct it to the file on github. See error with location error. What am I missing?


OctoPrint itself is not a plugin. So you cant revert OctoPrint by using the Plugin Manager. Try this: How can I revert to an older version of the OctoPrint installation on my OctoPi image?

Revert back successfully to 1.8.6 machine runs but still have the error . . . .. next?

Do you have a recent systeminfo bundle?

BTW, this still belongs to your other thread: T0 not valid returning to T0 Not cycling color T0 - #14 by Ewald_Ikemann