T0 not valid returning to T0 Not cycling color T0

What is the problem?

Hello again, Getting a nice project going on my 3 color Geeetech A10T. Been printing all three colors untill my last rendition. Now I get a notice that T0 isn't a valid printer and its returning back to T0. This all started after I did the last upgrade recommended

What did you already try to solve it?

Did as the notice said, check printer profile to insure all three printers are selected. all good there. Tried several other

Have you tried running in safe mode?

Don't know how

Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!) How do I attach it to this email? I downloaded it
octoprint-systeminfo-20250214061645.zip (189.1 KB)
hope this works No file attachment select or instructions

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible

Windows 11, Octprint Version 1.10.3, Geeetech A10T printer

The Printer starts on T0 says it isn't there and reverts back to it not to use it again.

Please help, cannot see any reason for this to be happening other than the firmware update I did just before this issue started

Hint: The blue words are links.

Still lost, Followed the link, cut and paste octoprint safemode in command line, didn't recognize it. where is the command line in octoprint to start it in safe mode,

Is it the command line in windows? Google is what I am using where do I go to start in safe mode? Blue link leads me to instructions on what to do but not how Looked at the tab labeled system on bottom right of screen next to Web, Donate, achievement, system <<<< that one.

nothing here to select safe mode. what am I missing / forgetting

Thank you so much for your help. very frustrated as it was working fine 12 hours ago. Just as I get ready to run some items I have been working on for a week . . . . now this

From the link:

Thank you again for the help, yes I started it up in Safe mode I am still getting the same error T0 doesn't exists but it returns to T0 and prints on T0. Since we last spoke, I have gone from running the three colors to two just to make parts on T1 and T2 it started on T0, (gave me the T0 error again) then ran the rest as directed by command with T1 and T2 functioning as per commands then the next part ran only T1 and T2 without the change back and forth as the commands indicated running only on T1 and T2 without T0.
How can I revert back to the firmware that I updated yesterday when all this started?

Again Thanks for the help as I have no idea what caused this other than the update I did yesterday

Please check this topic and this topic for some additional information and experiments to perform (post any results here).

Without knowing anything about where or how you obtained the firmware update, we can't help you revert back. Google "geeetech a10t firmware update" and you will find numerous links including a "Guide of the Firmware Toolkit".

The update was from Octoprint. What ever the last update was, I clicked OK on it and it did its thing and I continued on. So the update(s) was from Octoprint. Looking into Putty see what I can remember as to how I adjusted the firmware las time

I am also noticing a much longer delay in its boot up after password. used to be 3 to 5 seconds, now its 20 to 30 seconds

We have a "terminology" disconnect... When you said "firmware" I assumed you were talking about in the printer because I consider OctoPrint updates to be "software".

That being said, please verify what version of OctoPrint is currently installed. You check the bottom of the page in your browser or generate and upload another systeminfo bundle.

Let's also verify that the printer profile you are connecting with has "Hotend & extruder", "Number of Extruders" set to 3 (or more) and "Shared nozzle" is checked.

I say 3 (or more) because I believe your printer can have virtual extruders which can be configured to blend the actual filaments together.

Note: There is probably little need for more than one printer profile. I have two profiles because I can change the tool head on my LulzBot TAZ 6 between a single extruder and a dual extruder.

What slicer are you using? Can you upload the gcode file you are attempting to print when you get this error?

One more troubleshooting step... Please open OctoPrint Settings, Serial Connection, scroll to the bottom and check Serial Logging. Restart OctoPrint and generate the error again, then upload another systeminfo bundle (which will now contain the serial.log, communications between OctoPrint and the printer).

We have a "terminology" disconnect... When you said "firmware" I assumed you were talking about in the printer because I consider OctoPrint updates to be "software". < (sorry about that) I only updated what was sent through Octoprint interface.>

That being said, please verify what version of OctoPrint is currently installed. You check the bottom of the page in your browser or generate and upload another systeminfo bundle. >To follow at end of this text with logging as per your instruction<

Let's also verify that the printer profile you are connecting with has "Hotend & extruder", "Number of Extruders" set to 3 (or more) and "Shared nozzle" is checked. See earlier picture of printer profile, Set to 3 and shared nozzle is selected.

I say 3 (or more) because I believe your printer can have virtual extruders which can be configured to blend the actual filaments together. (That would be cool, never tried mixing colors)

Note: There is probably little need for more than one printer profile. I have two profiles because I can change the tool head on my LulzBot TAZ 6 between a single extruder and a dual extruder.

(I am using PRUSA for my slicer 2.9.0 it allows the selection to use or not. Haven't had any issues except when I first got the machine running I learned that once you activated T0 and switched to another nozzle you could then only use T1 and T2 as T0 couldn't be reactivated for the settings in the firmware. I learned Putty interface and resolved that issue. Since then two years or so I have had no issues swapping colors.

in my trials to narrow down the direction to the resolution, I ran in Safe mode where it started on T0, I swapped to T1, then when T2 was needed I manually put in T2 and it finished. I restarted again and it ran a normal cycle starting on T0 giving me an error on T0 continuing to run switching to T1 and then error out on no T2. My last run all three nozzles were "not there" and it ran complete on T1. White color.

When it started

Where I am at.

Presently running part to generate >systeminfobundle< with logging. Again something different, Alarms out on T2 but is running that nozzle . . . . go figure

>Logging and system bundle<  

as per your last instruction with the logging.

go figure, what am I missing here?

See the .zip file as indicated by the file manager

This is the alarm I get, even though it is a .zip

Its a .zip what am I missing?

nothing like a good challenge

Prusa slicer 2.9.0

Octoprint 1.10.3

Didn't try to up load, see end of last message won't attach system info .zip to message all your question answered last message

I posted your question with answers that followed in my response with < > indicating answer


To quote someone's text, just mark the text and click "Quote"


Gotcha, sorry I am still learning this forum

what do I do if I cannot get the system info zip to load here? is it too big? I ran a complete part before downloading it and zipping it up. I get the error I sent earlier
I am checking again the firmware again and as I am looking at it I went through this process 2 years ago. Nothing should have changed in the printer. Again I have to ask is there a way to revert back to the previous version of OctoPrint? or remove the updates installed?

Thank you for your patients with me, helping me through this mess

Tried again a different way and now this worked. This is the system bundle with logging as instructed.

octoprint-systeminfo-20250216000029.zip (739.5 KB)

Hope this finds the answer I need

Also, tried running another profile that ran 4 days ago, no difference that is what this system bundle was collected under

Thank you

Sorry we are fighting two battles, you vs. the forum and your printer issues :wink:

Let's try this... Connect to the printer with OctoPrint, go to the Terminal tab and type T0 (Send or type enter), T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and post the output.

Change the printer profile to 6 extruders, single nozzle and do it again.

Enter the following and then try one more time:

M163 S0 P1.0
M163 S1 P0.0
M163 S2 P0.0
M164 S3
M163 S0 P0.0
M163 S1 P1.0
M163 S2 P0.0
M164 S4
M163 S0 P0.0
M163 S1 P0.0
M163 S2 P1.0
M164 S5

Remember to use the </> icon when you upload text. If serial logging is still enabled, the output from the above experiments will be in there.

Please slice something simple like a small cube printed in three colors horizontally, zip and upload the gcode file.

It might be useful to try Ultimaker Cura

It's probably a stupid setting in PrusaSlicer somewhere. The temperature control for M104 commands would only need to go to one actual hot end, so sending the T command with those doesn't make sense. I see in the system info bundle and serial.log that indicates that the actual T commands by themselves are working properly. So either find the setting in PrusaSlicer to not add the T command with temperature commands, or I just put together this quick plugin that will strip those T# from the temperature commands. You can install in plugin manager > get more > ...from URL and click install by copying and pasting the URL below.


if it doesn't work you can just delete it in plugin manager after testing.

You'll need to restart OctoPrint manually after installing the plugin.