Sample Webcam url/ Webcam on windows/Octopi.txt

USB Webcam

I am using a Windows PC to run octoprint (because the raspberry pi's are sold out.). I am trying to get this camera working. I do not know what a sample "Stream URL" is and how I would make One. I have tried using Yawcam which can give me HTTP, FTP, File, and "Stream" outputs. Also I cannot find the octopi.txt file.

I have tried using Yawcam but cannot get it to work.

Because I am on windows the terminal does not give me certain error codes

2021-11-11 10:53:35,919 - octoprint.plugin.core - WARNING - Invalid version requirement >=0.1.1,<=0.2.8 for blacklist entry GcodeEditor, ignoring
2021-11-11 10:53:35,919 - octoprint.plugin.core - WARNING - Invalid version requirement >=0.1.0,<=0.1.1 for blacklist entry gcodeleveling, ignoring

Here is the only issue but it has nothing to do with the webcam

I am using the generic version of Octoprint. V 1.7.2

On Windows, there is no octopi.txt because Windows is not OctoPi, it is a completely different OS.

This means you do have to setup your own camera streaming, such as Yawcam. What was it about this that didn't work? I think it would be best to try and pursue this one if you've already tried to set it up, to try and fix it.

Thanks for the fast response l, my issue is I don’t know what streaming type I can use. It gives me the options, file (save to local computer), ftp (which wants a remote ftp server), http (gives a static image with a link), stream (gives a localhost address). When you used it what type of address did you give octoprint. Or if you did not use yawcam is there a sample address that mine should look like? So in your use is it a link that your giving or not. Thanks

You want the http or stream one I think - for the 'Stream URL' in OctoPrint it should look something like this: http://<ip_of_your_pc>:8081/video.mjpg


Thanks, this simple switch "/video.mjpg" helped me get my webcam running on Windows. I don't know if the OP thanked you, or not, but I sure will.