Ideally, I would be able to tap into the Webcam stream, but I understand OctoPrint is not a Webcam server. The next best thing would be accessing the OctoPrint Timelapse snapshots. Where can I find the right parameters and input format for the stream and/or snapshots?
Have you setup some non-standard way of streaming the webcam for OctoPrint? It normally would not use ffmpeg, so either you're looking in the wrong place or have setup something custom?
So assuming you are using the built-in streaming platform of OctoPrint with a usb/pi camera it seems that Scrypted is much like restreamer where it's handling the transcoding of streams? For example, to use an IP security camera's rtsp stream and converts it to another format available in HomeKit. My rtmpstreamer plugin can push OctoPrint's live stream to other platforms using rtmp protocol but I've only tested sending that to Twitch and YouTube Live.
Yes, I gather Scrypted is just a transcoding restreamer. It looks like it does support RTSP.
Is rtsp synonymous with rtmp?
I've installed your plugin and the Scrypted rtsp plugin. After a few failed attempts to configure both, maybe you can help me figure out the right configuration.
I have your plugin's Stream Server URL set to the same IP address of my OctoPi: rtsp://
Here's how I've attempted to configure the Scrypted rtsp plugin:
OK, I think that puts us back to my previous reply with the screenshot where I acknowledged a lack of understanding of the difference between RTSP and RTMP or whether they were compatible. I think your reply to that suggests it's not, so your RTMP transcoder doesn't help me convert to RTSP for Scrypted - "OctoPrint (with or without your plugin) doesn't supply that kind of stream."
That seems about right, if RTSP stream is what scrypted is expecting I assume, then my plugin will do you no good. What does scrypted actually accomplish for you and I might be able to guide you in a better direction.
I use it to get non-HomeKit cameras into HomeKit. I currently use it for UniFi Protect and Ring cameras. It works flawlessly for those. I think it would be useful to also have the OctoPrint camera in HomeKit as well.
Not natively. Scrypted transcodes various camera feed protocols to others as needed using a plugin architecture. So, I have the HomeKit plugin (output) installed alongside the UniFi Protect and Ring plugins (input). There are other input plugins available, but not for RTMP or FFmpeg. There is an RTSP plugin, but it doesn't sound like your RTMP plugin would make a compatible stream for that.
Here's a simple diagram of a working data flow:
[UniFi Protect] > [Scrypted: UniFi Protect plugin] > MAGIC > [Scrypted: HomeKit plugin] > [HomeKit]
Here's the data flow I think I'm after:
[OctoPrint FFmpeg camera (does not natively stream)] >[OctoPrint: plugin that provides stream compatible with a Scrypted plugin (does not exist yet)>[Scrypted: plugin compatible with OctoPrint plugin (also does not exist yet)> SIMILAR MAGIC AS BEFORE > [Scrypted: HomeKit plugin] > [HomeKit]
did you happen to test the ONVIF plugin with the default mjpg stream from OctoPi? The new camera-stack gives a couple of more options like HLS and webrtc.
after a little more searching, I'm seeing lots of references to an ffmpeg camera plugin. If you have that option available you should be able to use it to stream the default stream url with as input and enable the transcoding options.
My understanding is that transcoding setting is in the scrypted ffmpeg plugin settings. Sorry, didn't realize that was what the screenshots were from. The options would need to be -f mjpeg -i I think.
For those trying to make sense of this in the future, I enabled transcoding under the Extensions tab of the newly created FFmpeg OctoPrint camera in Scrypted.