Second camera is not working on Bookworm/Pi5

Camera model

EMEET C960 + Creality Nebula Webcam

What is the problem?

I am unable to add second webcam on my PI5 with Octopi 1.1.0. (Bookworm)
My both Webcam work alone with octoprint.txt configuration.
I used this guide :
Second Webcam configured in /octopi.conf.d/webcam2.txt is never matched in log. I have exactly the same behavior than no /octopi.conf.d/ directory configured.

What did you already try to solve it?

I tried to change octopi.conf.d directory in /boot/firmware/ in place of /boot/ with no success

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle (1.4 MB)

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint 1.11.0rc3, OctoPi 1.1.0, Prusa Mk4S

Does not appear that you actually uploaded your SystemInfo File. Please try again.

My bad, there was a issue with my link. It should be "clickable" now

Funny.. I just popped back in and was like... I am wrong. it is there. deleted my post. Well at least now it can be looked at. Thanks for posting.