Oh My bad too... i did check the serial.log check box, but it look's like I've deleted it by mistake: However I did not noticed there was a list of so much various logging options…
Here is some logs… but I don't see much more information there.
Your printer is sadly not replying to OctoPrint's desperate attempts to get a communication going at any port or baudrate there. You said it did work with Macpronterface. What exact port and baudrate did you use there?
ok sorry some good news after reboot i did those things:
Disabled SIP (System Integrity Protection) totally again, because yesterday I've enabled it again partially this way csrutil enable --without kextafter testing Macpronterface...
csrutil disable and restart osx and Macpronterface
At first I had no connection..., I had to reset the printer with Macpronterface UI
using /dev/tty.usbmedm1D11 @ 115200 baud
status: connected (finally)
I disconnected from Macpronterface and start Octoprint and try to connect on the same port / baud
Tadaaaa... status: Operational
so… I will investigate if it is really the "SIP" which cause this interference and will try to post that later…
because I have to work a bit and stop playing
Thanks all for your support !
On my GA Z77 DSH3 Mainboard with 10.13.4i have SIP deactivated.
On my Macbook late 2015 not and it works without disabling SIP.
But as i wrote i use Docker so octoprint runs with linux