SerialException error

Hello all

I have a Prusa MK4 printer .Use the OctoPI
OctoPrint ver 1.10.3
I try to print a big file about 35M after some hours got the error
"SerialException: device reports readiness to read but returned no data (device disconnected or multiple access on port?)"
I run it on WIN11 pc
PI 4 with 1g memory with no install apps on it except the OctoPI
don 't use any camera or other devices
I have a fan working and I try to touch the Pi and it is not worm
the PS is from AliExpress but it suppose to deliver 3A
I attach the file (3.7 MB)
Any help? Doron


I don't remember the exact message but I have an Alfawise U30 3D printer that is connected to octoprint and I encounter the same kind of problem. I finally saw that in the terminal window of octoprint that it's the same line is causing the problem.
In my case, it was :
G1 F2162.2 X129.502 Y14.729 Z10.1 E3165.10859
I have changed it to :

G1 F2162.2
G1 X129.502 Y14.729
G1 Z10.1
G1 E3165.10859
I have done the same reformating for the other similar lines and the printing is now OK.
May be this can help.


Thanks for try to help
The problem was the USB cable . I replace it and no problem
Regards Doron

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