Setting up OctoPrint on a Odroid C1+ running ubuntu-18.04.3-3.10

I try to install OctoPrint of an Odroid C1+ from this manual
First I update the system, then I create a user - add the user to the sudo group. Then I follow the instructions from the link above. When I set this command

source venv/bin/activate

I get the followin error: -sh: 6: source: not found
Please can someone help me to solve the problem?

Thank you
Best regards

Try this again

sudo apt install python-pip python-dev python-setuptools python-virtualenv git libyaml-dev build-essential

@ PrintedWeezl Thank you for your help,
I found my error... First I create the user with useradd -m ... and get the error above. Now I create the user with the adduser command and now it works...

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