Sidewinder x1 Sidewinder x1 no longer prints after BL-Touch installation

What is the problem?

Hello everyone,

I am new to the 3d printing world and have retrofitted a BL-Touch to my Sidewinder x1.
This works perfectly.

After installing and setting up OctoPi, I was able to connect to the printer.

Unfortunately, as soon as I start a print, I only get the message "Bed Heating" and it doesn't go any further.
I can see in the monitor that the various components (bed and nozzle) are being heated up to the set temperatures.

However, it does not start printing.

If I start the print peer USB, everything works.

Does anyone here have an idea or can help me?

I am using OctoPi on a Rasberry PI Zero 2 W

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hello @Wulllyy !

When you opened this thread, there was a template that asked for additional information.

Where is it gone? Where are the informations?

I´m Sorry i didn´t copy it corretly.
If you need more information just let me know.

What is the problem?

I am new to the 3d printing world and have retrofitted a BL-Touch to my Sidewinder x1.
This works perfectly.

After installing and setting up OctoPi, I was able to connect to the printer.

Unfortunately, as soon as I start a print, I only get the message "Bed Heating" and it doesn't go any further.
I can see in the monitor that the various components (bed and nozzle) are being heated up to the set temperatures.

However, it does not start printing.

If I start the print peer USB, everything works.

Does anyone here have an idea or can help me?

I am using OctoPi on a Rasberry PI Zero 2 W

What did you already try to solve it?

I tested the BL-Touch Octoprint on a PC (Windows 10) before installing it.
Since the test was successful, I bought a Rasberry and restored the backup.

I also tried to establish a connection via different baud rates (currently set to 250000)

Have you tried running in safe mode?

Yes i restarted OctoPi to SafeMode.

Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle (266.3 KB)

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version: 1.9.3
OctoPi version: Build 2023.10.09.151442 with "webcamd", based on OctoPi 1.0.0, running on Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W Rev 1.0
printer: Sidewinder X1
firmware: aswx1_marlin_fw_2.1.2.1_bltouch_waggster_mod_z_max_used.rar
browser: Microsoft Edge

I have also noticed that it displays the duration during the heating process, but does not count up here.

I think I have found the error.

When I start a print via USB, the heating graph looks like this.

If I start a print via Octoprint, the heating graph looks like this.

Is this normal?

Good morning everyone,

I was able to find the error.
The problem was with the FW version of Marlin
I have installed FW version and printing via Octoprint works again. :smiley:

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The second heating graph looks like you need to do a PID tune, M303. M301 and M304 will set the values and M500 will save them. Before you start you can capture the current values with M503.

If you use M503 to view the PID values with both versions of firmware, you may discover that tuning will "fix" it.

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