I'd like to know if it's possible to use OctoPi and a raspberry PI to set up a system that, depending on the strength of the sound, turns on a 5V led strip and a wireless camera. I intend to use a 5V sound sensor for this.
The light strip must be switched on when a 3D part is printed, as must the wireless camera. Conversely, they must be switched off when printing is not in progress.
The best thing would be to tell the printer that, after 20 minutes without sound sensor information, it should be switched off.
Sure that's possible - but I'm not aware of any script that does that for you.
So you have to write one yourself.
Here's a quick example which should get you started
(That's for a normal microphone)
If your soundchip just sends a sound detecting signal it's even easier and you can do it via a digital gpio pin.
Just remember that the pi uses 3.3V gpios.
But honestly that's way to complicated IMO.
I would just use a smart plug and turn it on when a print starts.
There are octoprint plugins like this one for stuff like that.
Alternatively you could connect one of those blue arduino relays to the pi and do the same thing with a relay plugin.
Oh and if you want more then just a "dumb" strip, you could use for example this plugin