SSH gives "Permission denied"

What is the problem?
I'm trying to install Klipper (after years using Marlin)
After some housekeeping, first thing to do was to ssh into my Raspberry Pi to run a handful of system commands.
Unfortunately, when I sent the commands (as per following examples) I got bounced back by a "permission denied" reply.

This is the listing from my Mac Terminal:

[to know: "pippo" is an Administrator account that I created in OctoPrint - I can run my printer logging with that account via Octoprint Web UI]

Joe-iMac:~ MyAccount$ ssh pippo@octopi.local
pippo@octopi.local's password: [typed password for account 'pippo' here] 
Permission denied, please try again.
pippo@octopi.local's password: [typed password for account 'pippo' here] 
Permission denied, please try again.
pippo@octopi.local's password: [typed password for account 'pippo' here] 
pippo@octopi.local: Permission denied (publickey,password).
Joe-iMac:~ MyAccount$

This is the list from my Windows 10 command prompt (btw, ssh client is available in Windows 10 without the need of third party software, such as PuTTY):

C:\Users\JoeCool>ssh octopi.local
The authenticity of host 'octopi.local (xx00::0000:x00x:0000x:00xx%0)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is [*** fingerprint was here*** ]
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'octopi.local,xx00::0000:x00x:0000x:00xx%0' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
pippo@octopi.local's password:   [typed password for account 'pippo' here]
Permission denied, please try again.
pippo@octopi.local's password:   [typed password for account 'pippo' here]
Permission denied, please try again.
pippo@octopi.local's password:   [typed password for account 'pippo' here]
pippo@octopi.local: Permission denied (publickey,password).


To note: when I first tried the SSH on my mac, I got a similar "the autenticity... can't be established etc. etc.

Lounching OctoPrint in safe mode does not change the situation.

octoprint.log (16.3 KB)
serial.log (198 Bytes)

Additional information about my setup
OctoPrint 1.4.0
OctoPi 0.15.1
Printer: Anet A8
Firmware: Marlin
Operating systems: macOS Catalina Ver.10.15.4
(made an attempt also from Windows 10)

I am banging my head against a brick wall trying to find a solution.
Thank you so much for relieving my stress !

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What I'm hearing:

  • I created the pippo account during OctoPrint's Setup Wizard's Access Control step.
  • I can't ssh into my Pi using the pippo account

If so, then you should know that the Raspbian operating system's users and OctoPrint's users are two different things.

ssh pi@octopi.local

Thank you Guru.
Your interpretation of my message is correct.
But then I have no clue what the password for pi@octopi.local could be
(the standard "raspberry" is not working either)

In addition, why do I get a prompt asking me for pippo@octopi.local's password even when I try the ssh without specifying the username (see the listing from my Windows 10 - I only typed ssh octopi.local , without the "pippo@" portion... )

Any ideas?
Thank you again :slight_smile:

Standard behavior for a naked hostname in ssh is to decorate it with the currently logged in user.

ssh octopi.local # no user@ so assume whoever you are now on your own workstation
ssh pi@octopi.local # use pi as the user on the remote system

The default password for pi in Raspbian is raspberry but upon successfully logging in once it nags you to change that password. If you did then you'd need the new password you created at that time.

Thank you again Guru
I usually keep a detailed log of what I do when I install new software or new firmware...
I couldn't find any evidence of me changing that password, but I'm sure that you are right: I must have been prompted for that change
I'll do some further check and let you know

Yes, yes, yes !
I had taken note of that password !!!
Now I found it and it does work.

Thank you so much Guru ! I could have never found it if YOU didn't point out the difference between OctoPrint and OctoPi
Thank you so much... after one day of pure frustration I'm so happy now :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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