I had my pi3 with a touchscreen setup and working fine, but on starting the pi today it tells me I'm using an incorrect login. I'm in loop that only asks for the octopi login.
How can I get to a place to change my octopi password?
I found instructions on how to change the password by resetting octoprint's user database but I'm stuck at the "octopi login" prompt.
I am glad that you managed to figure out what I meant, rather than what I typed.
I meant to say:
" This is a common issue with Debian, and it might not actually apply to Raspbian. But on a project I work on we often have people typing their password at the "login" prompt when it is actually asking for a User-Name"
If you're using a local keyboard on the Raspi, you might want to verify that the locale and the keyboard are set to your country in sudo raspi-config. Out-of-the-box, it's the UK.
When you type in the login, check every key on the keyboard to have the correct letter on the display. Maybe the keyboard has an issue.
You may also keep in mind that all this is case sensitive.
Also, type either "raspberry" or your actual password for the user ID prompt (at least temporarily) to see if one of the characters isn't correct.
Example password: 123!@#"
As typed: 123!@#?
In this case, a keyboard mis-configuration might silently change what you think you're typing (but you wouldn't normally be able to see it since passwords aren't normally displayed).
I know I'm late, but for anyone with this problem in the future
Type: pi as your username
and your actual password that you set(at some point during setup) as the password
not "raspberry".
Unless you never set a password, most of the time this happens when people create a password during the setup process and forget they made it so they continuously try to put the default username and password and it never works.