Got distracted by actual 3D printing and vacation....
This appears to be a problem with OctoPrint (I'm confused as to how no one else has seen this, though).
The group read here is that OctoPrint is currently skipping the "HandShake" process when reconnecting to a previously "OctoPrint" disconnected printer for reasons that aren't yet clear. It does not appear to be universal, and it may have something to do with my settings, but it's relatively clear that's what's happening from logs.
Thanks all, I think I'm going to package this guy up and submit it as a bug.
And what actually is it?
Need to dig to give a better answer to that question.
The group read here is that OctoPrint is currently skipping the "HandShake" process when reconnecting to a previously "OctoPrint" disconnected for reasons that aren't yet clear. It does not appear to be universal, and it may have something to do with my settings, but it's relatively clear that's what's happening from logs.
(I'll add the above to the "Solution)
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