Stuck on "opening serial connection" Flsun SR/ linux mint

I have installed octoprint with the documentation, set up Octoprint itself and the printer profile. after the setup I connected the printer via USB and got the error: "Could not autodetect your printer"; after setting the right port and baudrate I pressed connect and the State remains on "opening serial connection"

What did you already try to solve it?

To solve the issue I tried to check the baudrate, and if the port is the right one, then I tried to reboot everything, the printer, the pc and Octoprint. I tried another cable and it didn't solved it, than I tried to make the connetion timeout higher but nothing changed.

Have you tried running in safe mode?

Yes i tried running in safe mode.

Did running in safe mode solve the problem?

it didn't help.

Systeminfo Bundle (55.9 KB)

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible
the Octoprint version is 1.10.3, I'm using Linux mint 20.3, the printer is an FLSUN super racer and the firmware is Marlin.

Your systeminfo zip seems to have an issue. Upload it again please. (60.4 KB)
does it work now?

I'm sorry for the garbage in the first part of the serial log, I tried to modify the baudrate to see if anything changed but I didn't know how to clear the log.
as you can see it remains on Connecting to port /dev/ttyACM0, baudrate 115200 and doesn't do anything until I disconnect.

Log is good now.

Did you try a different cable? Are you confident that the cable you are using is a data cable?

Have you tried to connect to your printer with a simple terminal program.. Maybe from another machine that you have? This would allow you to confirm the baud rate for the connection as well as the cable is good.

What was the process you used to install on Mint?

Does the user that is running OctoPrint have dialout permissions? They will need this to use the serial port.

Try disconnecting your power to the phone. I'm trying to use a USB-C docking station on my Google OnePlus and when I plug power into the docking station the printer disappears, when I remove the power, it appears. Which totally sucks because this was going to kick butt with an ethernet connection.
So see if it's the power issue. I've heard others have the same issue.

I did changed the cable but it was the same, as for the baudrate I checked it and it is right. To instal Octoprint on mint I used this tutorial:
I don't know how to verify the dialog permission.
also I would say that I now have a raspberry py 4 now, do you think is worth trying to use this ore to do the setup on the raspberry? I bought it to do another project but I can use this one for the other project, do you think it is worth solving this problem?
also ti is sadly not even a power problem.

Right in the middle of the instructions he has a couple of commands to give the pi user the proper access to the serial ports.

sudo usermod -a -G tty pi
sudo usermod -a -G dialout pi

Is the user running your instance of OctoPrint the pi users or did you deviate and maybe did not do this step correctly?

I had a similar isse, and it turned out to be the type of cable. You need one that has at least one ferrite bead. It will look like a plastic cylinder that the cable runs through. By wraping the individual wires around a properly designed piece of iron, the signal is cleaned up enough to allow communication between pc, laptop or raspberry pi and the printer.