Tempatures turning off during/after probing

What is the problem?

When initiating a print thru octopi the first print attempt will turn off the hotend and bed. Sometimes it will randomly turn off on other attempts

What did you already try to solve it?

tried different slicers and reflashing octopi and mainboard software

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

You can download this in OctoPrint's System Information dialog ... no bundle, no support!)


Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible

octoprint.log (163.1 KB)
plugin_pluginmanager_console.log (21.2 KB)
plugin_softwareupdate_console.log (36.2 KB)
serial.log (148 Bytes)

Could you enable serial.log, reproduce the issue and then upload the serial.log file so we can see the full communication to the printer. Currently, it is disabled and the log file is empty.

What firmware did you flash to the printer?

octoprint.log (224.5 KB)
plugin_pluginmanager_console.log (21.2 KB)
plugin_softwareupdate_console.log (36.2 KB)
serial.log (148 Bytes)

firmware is modified version of the SKR mini e3 board firmware with an auto bed leveling

Open the serial log, it has nothing in it. You have to enable it first

serial.log (212.4 KB)

It seems like your heaters turn of because they reached the idle timeout - time.

2021-08-28 01:25:09,554 - Recv: Hotend Idle Timeout

Never happened to me while probing. I guess it's a bug in your firmware.
Which firmware are you using?

As a workaround you could try to add M85 to your start gcode.
With M85 you can configure the amount of time in idle before the firmware turns off your printers heaters.
I would try something like M85 S900 which sets it to 15 minutes.