Terminal filter not working

What is the problem?

I don't seem to be able to filter the Recv: ok <id> messages from the terminals (terminal screenshot in case it isn't clear)
Screenshot from 2025-02-01 12-51-19

What did you already try to solve it?

I tried using the terminal filter tool, the regexes I tried were (not exhaustively):

  • Recv: ok \d+
  • Recv:\sok\s\d+
  • Recv:\s+ok\s+\d+
  • Recv:\sok\s[0-9]+
  • Recv:\sok\s[0-9]*
  • Recv: ok [0-9]+

Before trying them I checked using a sample copied from the terminal with regex101 with python flavored regex. Nothing worked.

Have you tried running in safe mode?

I have other filters active, and they do work so I didn't think this would change anything

Systeminfo Bundle

download-7878290.zip (1.9 MB)

Additional information about your setup

Octoprint Version 1.10.3 (Installed yesterday)
No Raspberry Pi, no OctoPi, running on an old HP laptop with AMD processor
Anet A8
Stock firmware (Yes, I know it's a ticking firebomb. And filtering worked in repetier-server, I know this isn't the issue)
Firefox 134.0.1 (64-bit)
Linux Mint 22

I installed OctoPrint using OctoPrint Deploy following the general linux instructions.

Edit: I forgot to mention, I also tried restarting the server after adding the new filter

How about (Recv:\s*ok\s*(\d+)?)

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I was going to try this, then I realized I never activated the filter I was adding. That would be the end of it if it weren't for how the message stopped showing up even without the filter, or any filter for that matter. The only change has been the cancel object plugin getting updated, so I guess I'll just have to wait and see if it is resolved or a heisenbug.

That would definitely do it. My terminal filters extended plugin allows for remembering the state (enabled/disabled) of those filters on page reload as well, might help keep you sane.