What is the problem?
I have a wide-angle Raspberry Pi camera I have set up to take snapshots at the max resolution of 2592x1944 and that appears to be working properly as the snapshot URL shows a nice crisp photo at that resolution (or at least as crisp as the Pi Cam can produce).
When the timelapse is rendered, it looks like crap, blocky, artifacts no detail, etc.
And the video produced, mpg, is not playable on my Windows 10 PC (but is at the 2592x1944 res)
The tmp folder does not contain any of the snapshots after the render is complete. I would like to have those files retained so I can download them and render myself if there is no solution to improving render quality on the Pi:
What did you already try to solve it?
I've changed the bitrate to 20000kbs in the UI but that didn't help much. The bitrate did increase to 18159kbps, but it still looks pretty bad.
So I found a thread about changing the timelapse.py script for x264 and mp4 output:
[Request] H.264 timelapse output #2373
I made those changes to the script in:
command = [
ffmpeg, '-framerate', str(fps), '-loglevel', 'error', '-i', '"{}"'.format(input), '-vcodec', 'libx264',
'-threads', str(threads), '-r', "25", '-y',
# '-b', str(bitrate),
'-f', 'mp4']
And tried again - same result: mpg filename/format, unplayable on Windows PC, and poor quality.
So now, I have rebooted the Pi and am trying another timelapse right now.
So, what I am asking for help with is:
- Improve video quality from the render.
- output a format that Windows 10 understands
- Retain snapshots after render has completed.
Apologies if I have missed a thread, or two, that covers these questions - I did search here on the forum and Googled for answers and found very little, very old, posts that didn't seem to help.
Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, octoprint.log
, serial.log
or output on terminal tab, ...)
OctoPrint: Version 1.3.10
OctoPi: Version 0.15.1, running on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
Hypercube Evolution Printer
SmoothieWare firmware: Aug 2018
Thank you, and please let me know if you need additional information.