My problem is that I'm unable to connect to wifi, no matter what I tried.
I tried 3 different SD cards, tried last nightly, edited my octopi-wpa-supplicant with multiple text editors. I swapped the cards between my Octopi and my Retropie and the Octopi one did connect with the Retropie card so I ruled out hardware issue. I changed country to Canada in the file since this is where I am.
iwlist wlan0 scan does show the networks.
PS. my wifi network is hidden but I also tried to connect to my cell phone configured as an AP with no success.
I have Pi 3's. Tried Octopi 15.1 and 16.0 nightly.
Is the DHCP file part mandatory? I already setted a fixed DHCP lease in my router for Octopi.
Do you know why just editing the /boot/octopi-wpa-supplicant file isnt working ? Luckily I can put my pi on wired ethernet to do the mod, just wondering.
I'm not sure why but I think it didn't work properly for me until I edited dhcpcd.conf. I let my router assign 51-100 addresses to new items and fix the others on the device at addresses over 100.
Also, from the latest Raspbian release notes:
WiFi is disabled until wireless regulatory domain is set (Pi 3 B+ only)
The domain can be done through 'Raspberry Pi Configuration' (rc_gui),
'raspi-config' or by setting 'country=' to an appropriate ISO 3166
alpha2 country code in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf.
The DHCP part (/etc/dhcpcd.conf) is not necessary unless you want to assign a static IP address.
Every Pi I have (3B, 3B+) has connected to WiFi on the first boot after editing the appropriate file in /boot, octopi-wpa-supplicant.txt in 0.15.x (Stretch), octopi-network.txt in 0.14.x (Jessie). The SSID and the PSK are both case-sensitive.
Make sure the WiFi signal is strong enough where the Pi is located. This can be an issue because the antenna isn't very big. There are log files that should show you what is happening with wlan0 at boot time.
@b-morgan I tried to move the Pi next to the router. My SSID and PSK are both corrects, I'm sure. Where are the logs ? I tried to look for them but didnt know where they were.
The command "dmesg" shows some of it. You might try "grep -i wlan0 /var/log/* | more". Since mine works, I'm not sure exactly what a failure will look like (or where it will show up).
I'd suggest posting a copy of your octopi-wpa-supplicant.txt file here. Change a couple of characters in your SSID and PSK if you are worried about one of us "war driving" past your location but if you change too much, you may mask the error we are trying to find.
Not sure if you have this covered - but I had problems when Iedited the wpa_supplicant.conf file in Notepad++ (on Win10) and forgot to change the EOL Conversion from Windows (CL RF) to Unix (LF) on the text-file. Once done - all the settings were accepted.
Being very novice to Raspberry - I cannot explain why - but I guess it makes a dialect better or worse for the RPi to read or not.
If you edit it from within the Raspberry OS I guess it saves it as LF by default.
OK guys I finally found it !
Two things, first one, problem was my hidden network. I need to set
scan_ssid=1 in my network section in my octopi-wpa-supplicant.txt.
I also remove power management on the wifi interface @foosel@b-morgan@guysoft should include it commented in future versions.
I'm btw surprised that the RPi wlan driver is still causing power management issues for some people (personally can't reproduce it) - I thought they'd fixed that two years or so ago, but apparently not for everyone.
I've mentioned before in another thread that the Broadcom chip's Linux drivers really can't handle the state management for power correctly. So as a work-around, you try to get the Pi to boot with power to the network adapter and keep the power on until it gets shutdown again. Any attempts to conserve power on the wifi network adapter will result in a stupid driver that can't recover itself.
Unfortunately, that link points to the previous /etc/network/interfaces style of modding it and Stretch is now using dhcpcd/wpa_supplicant to the best of my knowledge. I'm guessing that the new Stretch image is coming in with the sleep option set for the wifi by default.