Trouble loading the Octoprint login webpage

What is the problem?
Since today when I turn on my Octopi and try to load the login page for Octoprint this weird text comes up. Yesterday I did not have any troubles.
I didn't change anything on my networking nor my printer/pi.
I am quite new to Octoprint so I dont really know what I could try.
I tried to google my issue but couldn't really find anything.

Edit: I can connect through OctoRemote on Android, but I can't connect my printer
(Error: No more candidates to test, and no working port/baudrate combination detected.)

What did you already try to solve it?
Restart, reboot, restart in safe mode nothing helped.
Tried different browsers on pc and on my phone.

Logs (syslog, dmesg, ... no logs, no support)

= wrapperCommit; lodash.prototype.concat = wrapperConcat; lodash.prototype.plant = wrapperPlant; lodash.prototype.reverse = wrapperReverse; lodash.prototype.toString = wrapperToString; = lodash.prototype.toJSON = lodash.prototype.valueOf = lodash.prototype.value = wrapperValue; // Add function aliases to the lodash wrapper. lodash.prototype.collect =; lodash.prototype.head = lodash.prototype.first; = lodash.prototype.filter; lodash.prototype.tail =; return lodash; } /--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ // Export lodash. var _ = runInContext(); // Some AMD build optimizers like r.js check for condition patterns like the following: if (typeof define == 'function' && typeof define.amd == 'object' && define.amd) { // Expose lodash to the global object when an AMD loader is present to avoid // errors in cases where lodash is loaded by a script tag and not intended // as an AMD module. See for // more details. root._ = _; // Define as an anonymous module so, through path mapping, it can be // referenced as the "underscore" module. define(function() { return _; }); } // Check for exports after define in case a build optimizer adds an exports object. else if (freeExports && freeModule) { // Export for Node.js or RingoJS. if (moduleExports) { (freeModule.exports = ). = ; } // Export for Rhino with CommonJS support. else { freeExports. = ; } } else { // Export for a browser or Rhino. root. = _; } }.call(this));

Additional information about your network (Hardware you are trying to connect to, hardware you are trying to connect from, router, access point, used operating systems, ...)
Running Octoprint version 1.5.3 on Pi 3b+

There are possibly multiple issues here but it is hard to tell with the information provided and the format it is provided in. Lets address the format issue first. On the editor toolbar above this area for adding text is a </> icon. Please use this icon when inserting any computer generated text. It will avoid interpretation by the markdown language and preserve the format of the original text. Alternatively, please upload complete logs whenever possible.

Next, if you just "turned off" your Raspberry Pi "yesterday" then there is a good chance that your SD card is corrupted. The RPi needs to be properly shutdown before power is removed to prevent this from happening. OctoPrint's web interface provides a System icon/menu with a "Shutdown system" entry. Unfortunately, the solution to this problem is to re-image your SD card and start over.

You do not need to connect your printer to the RPi right away. You can complete the setup of OctoPi and OctoPrint and make sure you have a solid installation before moving on. If you have problems with this step, there's no point in trying to add troubleshooting printer problems.

Please provide more details on your PC (type, Operating System,etc.) and your network (i.e. how do you connect the RPi and the PC). At this point, it would be useful to learn how to use SSH to connect to your RPi.

Since the subject of this topic is about communication between your devices (PC and phone) and the RPi, let's use it to solve this issue and open a new topic for connecting your RPi and your printer. In that new topic, fill out the template as best you can and surprise us with the make, model, and firmware details of your printer.

Hi Morgan

thank you for the advice on the code text I will remember that!

Whenever I turn off my Pi I use Shutdown System in Octoprint.

I am running Windows 10 on a desktop PC (I am not sure what you mean by PC type). My Pi is connected to my Wifi and until now I always communicated through the Wifi with the Pi.

Just now I tried to access Octoprint but this time I got a different message.

`ayload, opts) Performs the API command ``command`` against the endpoint of a :class:`~octoprint.plugin.SimpleApiPlugin` with identifier ``plugin``, including the optional ``payload``. **Example:** .. code-block:: javascript OctoPrint.simpleApiCommand("myplugin", "mycommand", {"someParameter": "someValue", "otherParameter": "otherValue"}) .done(function(response) { // do something with the response }); :param string plugin: The identifier o nts[0]||"rgba";return _fmt[type]()},red:function(){return,0,arguments[0])},green:function(){return,1,arguments[0])},blue:function(){return,2,arguments[0])},alpha:function(){if(arguments.length==1){c=this.clone();c._value[3]=parse.floatOrPercent(arguments[0]);return c}else return this._value[3]},alpha8:function(){if(arguments.length==1){c=this.clone();c._value[3]=parse.byteOrPercent(arguments[0])/255;return c}else return Math.floor(this._value[3]*255)},grayvalue:function(){var c=this._value;return(c[0]+c[1]+c[2])/3},grayvalue8:function(){return f2b(this.grayvalue())},luminanceFast:function(){var c=this._value;return c[0]*.2126+c[1]*.7152+c[2]*.0722},luminance:function(){function linearize(c){return c<.03928?c/12.92:Math.pow((c+.055)/1.055,2.4)}var r=linearize(this._value[0]);var g=linearize(this._value[1]);var b=linearize(this._value[2]);return r*.2126+g*.7152+b*.0722},luminance8:function(){return f2b(this.luminance())},luminanceFast8:function(){return f2b(this.luminanceFast())},hsv:function(){return rgbaToHsva(this._value).slice(0,3)},hsva:function(){return rgbaToHs tent:"\f48e"}.fa-table:before{content:"\f0ce"}.fa-table-tennis:before{content:"\f45d"}.fa-tablet:before{content:"\f10a"}.fa-tablet-alt:before{content:"\f3fa"}.fa-tablets:before{content:"\f490"}.fa-tachometer-alt:before{content:"\f3fd"}.fa-tag:before{content:"\f02b"}.fa-tags:before{content:"\f02c"}.fa-tape:before{content:"\f4db"}.fa-tasks:before{content:"\f0ae"}.fa-taxi:before{content:"\f1ba"}.fa-teamspeak:before{content:"\f4f9"}.fa-teeth:before{content:"\f62e"}.fa-teeth-open:before{content:"\f62f"}.fa-telegram:before{content:"\f2c6"}.fa-telegram-plane:before{content:"\f3fe"}.fa-temperature-high:before{content:"\f769"}.fa-temperature-low:before{content:"\f76b"}.fa-tencent-weibo:before{content:"\f1d5"}.fa-tenge:before{content:"\f7d7"}.fa-terminal:before{content:"\f120"}.fa-text-height:before{content:"\f034"}.fa-text-width:before{content:"\f035"}.fa-th:before{content:"\f00a"}.fa-th-large:before{content:"\f009"}.fa-th-list:before{content:"\f00b"}.fa-the-red-yeti:before{content:"\f69d"}.fa-theater-masks:before{content:"\f630"}.fa-themeco:before{content:"\f5c6"}.fa-themeisle:before{content:"\f2b2"}.fa-thermometer:before{content:"\f491"}.fa-thermometer-empty:before{content:"\f2cb"}.fa-thermometer-full:before{content:"\f2c7"}.fa-thermometer-half:before{content:"\f2c9"}.fa-thermometer-quarter:before{content:"\f2ca"}.fa-thermometer-three-quarters:before{content:"\f2c8"}.fa-think-peaks:before{content:"\f731"}.fa-thumbs-down:before{content:"\f165"}.fa-thumbs-up:before{content:"\f164"}.fa-thumbtack:before{content:"\f08d"}.fa-ticket-alt:before{content:"\f3ff"}.fa-tiktok:before{content:"\e07b"}.fa-times:before{content:"\f00d"}.fa-times-circle:before{content:"\f057"}.fa-tint:before{content:"\f043"}.fa-tint-slash:before{content:"\f5c7"}.fa-tired:before{content:"\f5c8"}.fa-toggle-off:before{content:"\f204"}.fa-toggle-on:before{content:"\f205"}.fa-toilet:before{content:"\f7d8"}.fa-toilet-paper:before{content:"\f71e"}.fa-toilet-paper-slash:before{content:"\e072"}.fa-toolbox:before{content:"\f552"}.fa-tools:before{content:"\f7d9"}.fa-tooth:before{content:"\f5c9"}.fa-torah:before{content:"\f6a0"}.fa-torii-gate:before{content:"\f6a1"}.fa-tractor:before{content:"\f722"}.fa-trade-federation:before{content:"\f513"}.fa-trademark:before{content:"\f25c"}.fa-traffic-light:before{content:"\f637"}.fa-trailer:before{content:"\e041"}.fa-train:before{content:"\f238"}.fa-tram:before{content:"\f7da"}.fa-transgender:before{content:"\f224"}.fa-transgender-alt:before{content:"\f225"}.fa-trash:before{content:"\f1f8"}.fa-trash-alt:before{content:"\f2ed"}.fa-trash-restore:before{content:"\f829"}.fa-trash-restore-alt:before{content:"\f82a"}.fa-tree:before{content:"\f1bb"}.fa-tr `

I also got the logs now.
octoprint.log (295.8 KB)
serial.log (444 Bytes)

Plus, here is a Screenshot of how it looks like when I try to access Octoprint.

For now I will ignore the issue with the Printer.

Very broken install you have there. It is struggling to read the files on the system to serve the webpage, and you've resulted in a combination of part of the javascript client documentation, a library and the icon stylesheet, printed as the web UI. Frankly, I'm impressed with how broken it seems!

Try this, from SSH to the server:

~/oprint/bin/pip install --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir OctoPrint

It will take a while, as you can read it is forcing a reinstall of OctoPrint but not using any cache already, to avoid chances of corruption.

If that does not fix the issue, either the SD card is dying or something on the wider system is dying.

So, I reinstalled Octoprint and rebooted when it finished.

Now when I open my browser it says that 'The OctoPrint server is currently not running'. I tried verifiyng the process with this line

ps -ef | grep -i octoprint | grep -i python

but nothing shows up.
I got the new logs right here
octoprint.log (373.4 KB) serial.log (444 Bytes)

Then, I tried restarting the server

sudo service octoprint restart

but nothing happens.

Your filesystem is completely broken. The final few lines of that new log file shows that the font awesome icon CSS has ended up in the action command plugin's Python code. Whatever has happened here has gone really wrong.

2021-04-10 15:38:07,304 - octoprint.plugin.core - ERROR - Invalid syntax in /home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt/ for plugin action_command_prompt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugin/", line 762, in _parse_metadata
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 35, in parse
    return compile(source, filename, mode, PyCF_ONLY_AST)
  File "/home/pi/oprint/lib/python3.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt/", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The best part is that that is not even the whole file, just a section of the middle of it.

The system is reading completely the wrong content. Back to what I said earlier, the SD card and the files have died.

Not sure what you are going to be able to do other than re-flash the card. But I don't trust it anymore, and would probably buy a new one of this was my problem.

Hm I wonder how I managed to do that.

Anyway thank you for your help. I will re-flash the SD and see what happens.
What is the worst thing that could happen?

Worst thing is probably the same again, it stops working. Keep regular backups from OctoPrint, be prepared for it to go wrong again.

Oh well, I re-flash it now and order a new SD just to be preapared.

Thank you for your help!

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