I have a Logitech C270 usb webcam, I found my video very behind and jumpy, so I started to trouble shoot it.
After getting myself up to speed on how it all works here is what I found
The FPS kept defaulting to 30 FPS, then I realized my device is on the broken fps list.
I started the mjpg_streamer service manually and had no problem getting it to work, Hmmm, OK now to find out where this list of broken FPS devices is located, I did more digging and found the script it was in, I removed it. and it seems to work fine although I notice 5FPS doesn't work but 10 and 15 does seem to work..
It was still behind but seems better. I then add a -q 0 after the -f 10, I assume this is 0 compression which frees up the CPU.
This seem to help a lot.
So here is my suggestion, the broken list should not be hard coded. it should be added to the Octopi.txt config file and then a small description could explain if the fps completely does not work or just certain settings and then I can see my device on the list which make trouble shooting easier.
My device is a Logitech C270 (046d:0825)
As far as I can tell it works fine except for 5fps and therefore it should not be hard coded in the Webcamd script.
I am not looking for help.. As the Title says. I am providing feedback
The broken FPS device list I suggest should not be hard coded
A Logitech C270 is a very popular camera that others might want to get working better.
Suggesting to try a performance increase by reducing the mpeg compression Thus reducing CPU load
Maybe I misunderstood the thought behind this Community Forum ? Is it just for asking for help then ? and not for providing feedback and suggestion ?
Just a small update: I am doing some prints today and what a difference in performance. Before I had a 20 second or more lag in video and maybe just a second now which is normal and it is much more smooth.
The only issue is I will have to remember the change I made as I am sure an update will overwrite the script I had to mod. I hope in further releases they will move that string of bad fps devices to the OctoPi.txt file instead of the Webcamd script