What is the problem?
I have connected my Ender 3V2 directly to my Synology 920+ NAS via USB cable.
Synology sees the device; I assign the USB port to my Ubuntu Virtual MAchine, hosted in the Synology
I fire up the Ubuntu VM
I installed both Ponterface and Octoprint from the apps library (Ubuntu software
I start Ponterface, and its already set to connect to /dev/ttyUSB0
I click connect and immediately I am connected to the printer
I can move the head clicking the arrows in the UI
I close the app and I start Octoprint via Mozilla by going here
There is no way I Can connect either via AUTO ori manual settings exactly as in Ponterface
I get the message
Unexpected error while connecting to serial port: /dev/ttyUSB0SerialException: '[Errno 13] could not open port /dev/ttyUSB0: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/dev/ttyS0'' @ comm.py:_openSerial:2691 (hook default)
What did you already try to solve it?
I already made sure I am in the groups tty dialout