Unable to connect iphone to the pi with octoprint

What is the problem?

Octoprint runs on my desktop, but I cannot get my phone to connect. It says "Connection failed, printer is not connected to Octoeverywhere"

What did you already try to solve it?

uninstall/reinstall the ap, deleting the printer, then adding the printer

Have you tried running in safe mode?

Yes, this didn't solve it

Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

octoprint-systeminfo-20220806061259.zip (302.8 KB)

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible

3D printing, octopi.

Have you checked your Octoeverywhere settings?

The systeminfo Bundle would be a great help

octoprint-systeminfo-20220806061259.zip (302.8 KB)

I like how this message pops up "Has your question been answered?" There is no "NO" option to choose from. I guess my question will just go unanswered. That's a bummer, I don't know where else I can go for help. I don't know of any other program I can use. Does anyone else know where I can get help or another program I can use?

Referring to your logs, the OctoEverywhere plugin is not installed

Sometimes posts get lost. Anyone who answers questions here are just other members of the community, and there can be a lot of activity. It's also the time of year when many regulars might be on holiday. Sometimes an extra prompt written nicely to make sure it hasn't been forgotten after 7-10 days is reasonable. I don't appreciate people getting impatient after a few days/hours, but after a while it is OK to just prompt so the post goes back to the top of the list. Kind of as you did here, just relax a bit.

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I'm sorry, I waited 11 days. You said to wait 7-10 days. I did. I didn't know that a message would put it back on top. I thought my message was just going to be ignored. No response for 11 days, seems like I'm all alone here. I spent hours searching for some instructions on this. I couldn't find anything. Is there a set of instructions? Could we create one for everyone to use? Maybe the search engine needs a tune up. Is there some way we can improve on this?

Thanks for getting back to me. I have installed the plug in but I'm still stuck. The octoeverywhere website (desktop) says that I need to install Octoeverywhere. But I already have install it. I can't figure this out. My iphone also says that I need to install Octoeverywhere. There is no way that I can see to bypass this screen on the iphone nor on the desktop.

You installed it twice?

  1. On the iPhone
  2. With OctoPrinrt

If you need detailed instructions how to set up, you request that from the author:

It's okay, I found a youtube video that explains it. There are parts missing in the instructions. I reached out to Octoeverywhere, but so far they have not responded.

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