Unable to display OctoPrint inside Home Assistant iframe

Any luck with webcam feed?
Also tried it with Nabu casa and it just displays the login screen but won't log in (could be something on my side, looking into it)

sadly not. All those path rewritings are really weird.

Have tried some but none did really work well. Might try the nginx way in the next version, but sadly this project ist not on my important things list, so this could take some time. Sorry.

Not a problem, it's just a nice to have.
Other methods can be used in the meantime.

I have tried your solution, but still getting the log in loop. Any suggestions what i might be doing wrong? Thanks

hello, have you now found a solution to the problem. I'm currently facing the same problem in the iframe in iobroker vis.
Thank you for your help

same here, something funky going on, bump

I think i found a solution? I have been having the same loop of the login screen.

In the ~/.octoprint/config.yaml file, I added/modified the server: configuration per here. I added the value for samesite: none to the config, but newer installs might have it set to lax?

    samesite: none

This fixed the looping issue and I can view the octopi install from an iframe now (specifically Home Assistant)