Unable to extrude with Creality sprite Pro

What is the problem?

I recently upgraded my Ender 3 V2 NEO to the creality sprite pro using the following guide:

When running the printer locally, I have no issues with anything. When controlling the printer from Octoprint, I am unable to extrude anything, whether I am printing or running the extruder from the menu to extrude or retract.

What did you already try to solve it?

Reflashed Octoprint
Tried to run in safe mode
Checked all connections
Verified that the extruder works when I am controlling the printer locally
Tried a different computer to test
SSH into the Pi 4 to update the repositories and the system

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

octoprint-systeminfo-20241227080431.zip (74.9 KB)


Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version - 1.10.3
OctoPi version - Build 2024.11.05.092907 with "webcamd", based on OctoPi 1.0.0, running on Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4
Printer - Ender 3 V2 NEO with the Creality Sprite Pro and Creality 4.2.2 board
firmware - MriscoC Ender3V2-422-BLTUBL-MPC-20240125
browser - Google Chrome
operating system - Windoes 11 and Debian

I would try lowering your baud rate. Looks like your firmware has it set to 250000. That might cause some issues. Enders are finicky out of the box for serial comm so don't push it. 115200 is about as fast as I would go.

There is also this in your log. I don't think this is your issue given you ran in Safemode with the same results, but you should fix it
ERROR - Error loading plugin DryRun

Turn on the serial log and try some manual extrusions.. Then send us the results. Maybe we will be able to see something that will help.

I did not read a lot on the custom firmware you installed but, I also did not see anything where it said it supported OctoPrint or Serial control.

Note that if you cant get it to extrude manually using the control screen, it is unlikely to extrude in your print.

Might also be useful to post a bit of the gcode that works "local print" vs that same gcode not working when sent through OctoPrint.

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