Update to Raspberry Pi 4 (from working Pi 3+) [solved]

I see.
Yeah I had to use it when I got problems with the new wifi interface on the 3+ and the 0W.
But you're right we shouldn't use this for regular updates or fun. And if we use it we should at least backup the sd card.
I'm not sure about the pi 4. It got a SPI EEPROM and got some stuff in it. I have no idea if a rpi-update could brick the pi 4 semi-permanent. Also I don't know if that's the case if loading a new bootloader will flash the EEPROM and fix it.

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When I say "brick" I mean "reflash that microSD, you've painted yourself into a corner".

About the only thing that can't be undone on a Raspi is when you tell it to boot from USB instead of microSD. There's no turning back from that stance because it does write to the EEPROM (OTP = one-time programmable memory).

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Oh didn't know that you can change that permanent.
I know that the pi 3+ is able to boot from usb out of the box and that you can use program_usb_boot_mode=1 on the pi 3 - but I thought you had to keep your sd card in the pi so it can read this line and boot from usb.
I never questioned why there was program in the command :smiley:

Thanks for the information :slight_smile:

edit: there is a special bootloader for flashing the new pi 4 EEPROM and you also can flash things like usb firmware to it. That's what I thought could brick it when you use rpi-update and a bad firmware gets flashed to the EEPROM. And I don't think that this one is OTP because of the flashing bootloader.

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In case anyone's interested, I've documented what I'm doing to upgrade an OctoPrint 1.3.10 on Stretch installation to an OctoPrint 1.3.11 on Buster (Raspberry Pi 3B). This is a merging of the official documentation versus what is implemented in the standard OctoPi image.

  • Clone the microSD card using ApplePi-Baker to another microSD
  • Backed up some of the folders on this: ~/.octoprint/uploads, ~/.octoprint/data/myplugin, ~/.octoprint/config.yaml, ~/.octoprint/users.yaml
  • sudo service octoprint stop
  • grep -rl stretch /etc/apt/ | sudo xargs sed -i 's/stretch/buster/g' # Marks everything as buster now
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get dist-upgrade # Should bring in Buster over Stretch (2+ hours)

Here, you'll be prompted many times when confronted by old-versus-new versions of configuration files. Go with the defaults which preserve your original file in each case.

  • cd ~
  • mv ~/oprint ~/oprint.last
  • virtualenv oprint
  • source oprint/bin/activate
  • pip install pip --upgrade
  • pip install https://get.octoprint.org/latest
  • octoprint serve

Visit http://octopi.local/ to verify that it's working

  • Ctl-C to stop that session
  • sudo reboot

It seems to be happy now. I see this upon the welcome screen. This is to be expected since I didn't use the latest OctoPi image.

OctoPrint version : 1.3.11
OctoPi version    : 0.15.1

I'll now need to reinstall anything that I'd earlier done with a pip install packagename from before, making sure to first source ~/oprint/bin/activate to be in the virtual environment. But I still have that ~/oprint.last/lib/python2.7/site-packages as a reference to what was installed beyond OctoPrint itself.

cd ~
ls -l oprint.last/lib/python2.7/site-packages | awk -F ' ' '{print $9}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}' > ~/pip.oprint.last
ls -l oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages | awk -F ' ' '{print $9}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}' > ~/pip.oprint
diff ~/pip.oprint.last ~/pip.oprint
# Contents of comparison follow

< backports
> cachelib
> cachelib-0
< click-6
So... maybe I'm now missing backports perhaps.

--- # These mark transitions from the before/after set of comparisons
> Click-7
< configparser
< Cython # This was part of the prerequisites for Kivy
< Cython-0
< cython
< cython
< dateutil
< docutils
< docutils-0
< easy-install
< flask_principal # This sort of stuff I can ignore
> flask_principal # ...since it's just a slight difference in decoration
> flask_principal
< garden # This is part of Kivy-Garden, which I'll need
< itsdangerous-0
< itsdangerous
> itsdangerous-1
< kivy # I'll definitely need to reinstall Kivy
< Kivy-1
< Kivy_Garden-0
< Markdown-2
> Markdown-3
< octoprint_themeify
< MyPlugin # This was the plugin I'm working on, so this needs to be reinstalled
< pip-9
> pip-19
< pybonjour-1 # Not sure why pybonjour seems to be missing now, need to investigate
< pybonjour
< pybonjour
< pygments
< Pygments-2
< python_dateutil-2
< pytz-2018
< pyximport
< PyYAML-3
> pytz-2019
> PyYAML-5
< regex-2018
< _regex_core
< _regex_core
< regex
< _regex
> regex-2019
< rsa-3
> rsa-4
> sentry_sdk
> sentry_sdk-0
< setuptools-39
> setuptools-41
< sockjs
< sockjs_tornado-1
< sockjs_tornado-1
< speaklater-1
< speaklater
< speaklater
< test_regex
< test_regex
< Themeify-1
> typing-3
> typing
> typing

Looking in the two site-packages folders, I can see that there are a fair amount of simple python files that would look like entire packages based upon my awk filter commands above.

From my analysis, I personally would need to reinstall Cython, Kivy, Themeify and my own plugin to get back to a similar rig, having upgraded in-place from Raspbian Stretch + OctoPrint 1.3.10 to Raspbian Buster + OctoPrint 1.3.11.

I can see some advantages to an approach like this:

  • The ~/.octoprint/config.yaml keeps its original API key and salt for encrypting things (presumably some of the data in the ~/.octoprint/users.yaml file.
  • Likewise, the config.yaml should still contain all the edits I made for Themeify (once I reinstall it).
  • The ~/.octoprint/uploads folder should still have my uploaded files in addition to the earlier .metadata.json hidden which which store print history.
  • The ~/.octoprint/logs folder should still be intact.
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