What is the problem?
I'm setting up a printer for a friend who doesn't have a computer at the moment (just an Android phone) so we need somewhere to slice.
My idea is to run Prusa Slicer* over VNC to the Android, but I'd like to do it without the overhead of a desktop environment, so when they're printing there's nothing else running, and when they're slicing there's no wasted resources on a DE.
This is linux so I'm sure there's a way to do it, I just don't have enough knowledge of how the X server works.
To recap:
When I open a VNC connection to the pi it should launch the slicer and serve it without a desktop, and when I close the connection it should kill the process
Thank you
*This guy does aarch64 builds, but lscpu says I have an armv7l which is 32bit, but the 3B+ is supposed to be 64bit. According to this I might have to compile my own kernel? That's not my main concern, I'll figgure that out separatly
What did you already try to solve it?
I've looked at a few online slicers but they're not ideal, and tried the Internal Slicer plugin which is broken rn
Systeminfo Bundle
I don't think this is relevant to this, but here you go anyway
octoprint-systeminfo-20240703101119.zip (285.6 KB)
Additional information about your setup
- OctoPrint version: 1.10.2
- OctoPi version: Build 2024.06.18.085851 with "webcamd", based on OctoPi 1.0.0
- Pi Version: 3B+ 1.3
- Printer: Ender 3 v2
- Firmware: Marlin 2024-6-16