Want a plugin to beep me when tool and bed temps are met

What is the problem?

Currently, I click my Preheat button but I must guess at the amount of time for the tool and bed to meet the target temp. I like to read email, or something, while I wait. I often forget. So I set a timer.

But I wouldn't have to if my printer beeped when the target temps are met.

I don't know how to write plugins. I don't know gcode.

Has anyone written a plugin or something to do this?

Please remember, I'm not a techy. I don't understand gcode talk (or Jupiterian).

you could do this with command line, gcode macros, or custom controls. the command that you want would be the following:

M190 S60 ; set bed temperature
M300 S300 P1000 ; beep
M109 S220 ; set hot end temp and wait
M300 S300 P1000 ; beep

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