I'm having problems setting up a reverse proxy for OctoPrint. The page displays and the webcam is showing, but the style sheet and any JavaScript seems to be lost. I want to access the OctoPrint computer using a link such as "www.mydomain.com/myfolder", that is, not at the root level.
Looking at the OctoPrint HTML page output source, I see that references to CSS, JavaScript, and a few other URLs are specified as absolute paths as they begin with a slash, e.g., "/static/css/..." (if I remember correctly). This makes it difficult, if not impossible(?), to setup a reverse proxy that redirects to a subdirectory, because if I understand the proxying correctly these URLs are resolved to "www.mydomain.com/static/..." instead of being relative to "myfolder".
Isn't this a bug in the OctoPrint code that should be fixed so that all internal URLs use relative paths for images, style sheets, etc.?