Want the old Feed/Flow Rate Sliders...potential workaround

You can achieve the old feed and flow rate sliders using custom controls in config.yaml. It will not replace the newer OctoPrint input fields, but gives you the previous slider interface.

By no means is this "real-time"; changes from the LCD panel will not be reflected in the web interface, and that was the main reason it was changed in OctoPrint.

If you want that to happen, post feature requests in the respective firmware repositories to report these changes from the LCD to connected hosts. For Marlin, there is one posted here already.

Now to the custom controls...

-   children:
    -   name: Set Feed
        regex: FR:([0-9.]+)%
        template: '{0}%'
        -   M220 S%(feed_rate)s
        -   M220
        -   default: 100
            parameter: feed_rate
                max: 200
                min: 0
                step: 1
        width: 6
        additionalClasses: span7
    -   commands: 
        -   M221 S%(flow_rate)s
        -   M221
        -   default: 100
            parameter: flow_rate
                max: 200
                min: 0
                step: 1
        width: 6
        additionalClasses: span7
        name: Set Flow
        regex: 'echo:E0 Flow: ([0-9.]+)%'
        template: '{0}%'
    name: Feed and Flow
    layout: horizontal_grid

Adjust the slider parameters to your preference, the above goes from 0-200% and will default to 100% on page load/refresh. When you set a value it will report the set value next to the slider using the response to the second M220/M221 command.

If you don't want the response you could easily remove the regex, template, and additional commands like this.

-   children:
    -   name: Set Feed
        command: M220 S%(feed_rate)s
        -   default: 100
            parameter: feed_rate
                max: 200
                min: 0
                step: 1
        width: 3
        additionalClasses: row-fluid
    -   command: M221 S%(flow_rate)s
        -   default: 100
            parameter: flow_rate
                max: 200
                min: 0
                step: 1
        width: 3
        additionalClasses: row-fluid
        name: Set Flow
    name: Feed and Flow
    layout: horizontal_grid

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You could probably even hide the default write-only fields with a themify rule.

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[OFFTOPIC] hi! could you please tell me - what plugin shows such a previews in files list as at your screenshot?

Either of my plugins will do that, PrusaSlicer Thumbnails or Cura Thumbnails.

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