Webcam issue after switching from OctoPi to OctoPrint/CasaOS

Hello, everybody!

After switching from OctoPi on a RaspberryPi to Octoprint/CasaOS on an x86 my webcam did not work anymore in the new environment. My main question is: Are there different Camera models supported in these different environments?

Thank you,

Camera model

With lsusb it lists as "Guillemot Corp. Deluxe Optical Glass"

What is the problem?

When I was running OctoPi on a Raspberry Pi 4, the Cam worked perfectly fine. After switching to Octoprint, running in a CasaOS container, the same cam does'nt work anymore. Everything else is fine, I can communicate with OctoPrint, send files, print, control the printer via the UI, everything except the camera.

What did you already try to solve it?

I checked, if webcam support is activated (it is)
I checked the cam (still works on other systems)
I checked the path to ffmpeg (which is valid)
I checked both modes "default webcam" and "classic webcam" (no pic, but different aspect ratios)
I tried all USB ports on the device (the cam shows up in the list with lsusb, on every port)

Have you tried running in safe mode?

Yes, doesn't make any difference.

Systeminfo Bundle

ThinClient Dell Wyse 5010 / 4 GB Ram / 256 GB SSD
Printer: Artillery Sidewinder X1, Marlin
Webcam: Guillemot Corp. Deluxe Optical Glass

Debian 12
CasaOS 0.4.15
OctoPrint version 1.10.3 (18.0 KB)

Please upload the complete systeminfo bundle. Do not C&P logs to the forum. At least use the Preformatted Text feature of the forum editor. This looks quite distorted.


Excuse me, does ANYBODY know, if there are different cameras supported when using either OctoPi/arm or OctoPrint/x86?

That's all I want to know, thanks.