Webcam lost after update to 1.8.0

What is the problem?

After updating to 1.8.0, the webcam view is no longer present on the Control tab. Webcam is a Logitech C270 USB camera. System is running on a Pi 3B+. I can view the webcam if I put the URL directly into the browser. (

What did you already try to solve it?

Verified the URL. Tested the camera separately. Tried Firefox, Chrome and Edge on different computers.

Have you tried running in safe mode?


Did running in safe mode solve the problem?


Systeminfo Bundle

System Bundle Attached

Additional information about your setup

OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible (169.0 KB)

Pi 3B+
Octopi 0.18.0
Octoprint 1.8.0
Logitech C270

The only thing I haven't tried is a clean install. Which I'm trying to avoid. Thanks.

What URL are you using to access OctoPrint's UI?

Is the full URL in the configuration, or is it just a relative URL /webcam/?action=stream?

In the UI, I'm using the relative path /webcam/?action=stream

I have the same problem,i just get the update and my camera is gone!

Somehow during the update to 1.8.0, a period was added to the URL that I hadn't noticed.
It had:
instead of:

One thing to add. Upon refreshing the interface, the period gets added back in. I can save the settings and it works until the interface is refreshed. Then the camera view disappears from the Control tab again.

Are you able to check if the stream URL is written to the config.yaml correctly?

On OctoPi it would be in ~/.octoprint/config.yaml.

Interesting, I have the MultiCam plugin installed, but disabled. Under that plugin section in the .yaml file, the period is present. However, when i scroll down further to the webcam: section, there is no period. Going to try removing the MultiCam plugin completely to see if that fixes it. Thank you.

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that didn't work for me,the same url that worked for you, didn't for me.

In that case, you have a different issue so probably best to open your own topic with the full details etc.

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