Camera model
Bus 001 Device 006: ID 045e:00f4 Microsoft Corp. LifeCam VX-6000 (SN9C20x + OV9650)
What is the problem?
Webcam not recognized.
What did you already try to solve it?
I try to change resolution, remove frame rate, -y option, powered hub.. but nothing.
Logs (/var/log/webcamd.log, syslog, dmesg, ... no logs, no support)
Starting up webcamDaemon...
--- Configuration: ----------------------------
cfg_file: /boot/octopi.txt
camera: usb
usb options: -r 640x480
raspi options: -fps 10
http options: -w ./www-octopi -n --listen
Explicitly USB device:
Found video devices:
config file='/boot/octopi.txt':USB device was not set in options, start MJPG-streamer with the first found video device: /dev/video0
<13>Mar 17 12:04:55 root: Starting USB webcam
Checking for VL805 (Raspberry Pi 4)...
- It seems that you don't have VL805 (Raspberry Pi 4).
There should be no problems with USB (a.k.a. select() timeout)
Running ./mjpg_streamer -o -w ./www-octopi -n --listen -i -r 640x480 -d /dev/video0
MJPG Streamer Version: git rev: 5554f42c352ecfa7edaec6fc51e507afce605a34
i: Using V4L2 device.: /dev/video0
i: Desired Resolution: 640 x 480
i: Frames Per Second.: -1
i: Format............: JPEG
i: TV-Norm...........: DEFAULT
i: Could not obtain the requested pixelformat: MJPG , driver gave us: S920
... will try to handle this by checking against supported formats.
Init v4L2 failed !! exit fatal
i: init_VideoIn failed
Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, ...)
Raspberry pi3b.
OctoPrint version : 1.5.3
OctoPi version : 0.18.0
Found video devices:
config file='/boot/octopi.txt':USB device was not set in options, start MJPG-streamer with the first found video device: /dev/video0
<13>Mar 17 12:50:49 root: Starting USB webcam
Checking for VL805 (Raspberry Pi 4)...
It seems that you don't have VL805 (Raspberry Pi 4).
There should be no problems with USB (a.k.a. select() timeout)
Running ./mjpg_streamer -o -w ./www-octopi -n --listen -i -r 160x120 -d /dev/video0
MJPG Streamer Version: git rev: 5554f42c352ecfa7edaec6fc51e507afce605a34
i: Using V4L2 device.: /dev/video0
i: Desired Resolution: 160 x 120
i: Frames Per Second.: -1
i: Format............: JPEG
i: TV-Norm...........: DEFAULT
i: Could not obtain the requested pixelformat: MJPG , driver gave us: S920
... will try to handle this by checking against supported formats.
Init v4L2 failed !! exit fatal
i: init_VideoIn failed
Done bring up all configured video device