Webcam shutting down midprint

Camera model Wyze Cam V2

What is the problem? Wyze Cam V2 Drops feed midprint

What did you already try to solve it? I looked through logs and tried to understand. Maybe cause i dont use webcam 1 anymore and left all info the same. So Wyze is still seen as webcam 2?

Logs (/var/log/webcamd.log, syslog, dmesg, ... no logs, no support) (2.5 MB)

Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, ...) Octoprint = 1.7.3, OctoPi = 0.18.0 Python = 3.7.3

This cam has been doing this since i set it up as webcam 2. Shorter prints its ok but extended prints it will eventually drop the feed, Hope i set up all needed info. If theres anything else needed let me know. I thank you and bid yall a good day!

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How is the cam connected? Via wifi?
If yes - are you still able to connect to the stream url when it dropped in OctoPrint? (just open the stream url in a browser)

Its connected usb. It does not pull up on the browser once it has been lost in octoprint. I have to unplug and plug back in both cables to get the feed back.

Hello, I have the same issue with multiple/different Webcams on octoprint.
did you solve it yet?

I have a Raspberry Pi Zero 2W and all webcams are 1080P and work flawlessly in windows

luckily it doesn't kill the printer connection when the webcams drop out. (WEBCAM LOADING... or something)

I gave up for now. I also have a Galaxy S8 im just sticking to it for now. Might take another attempt when i update Octoprint.