Where find printfiles


can please anyone tell me, where i can find the gcode files on my Pi via shell?

Thank you verry much

My Version OctoPrint 1.3.6 on OctoPi 0.13.0 - RPi 2

find / | grep -i .gcode

or look in the config file

Thank you a lot. Have a nice day

I believe they're in /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads/

Note the dot at the start of ".octoprint".

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Or ~/.octoprint/uploads/ if you want to live on the edge.

~ prefix works if you're logged in as that user, but if you're logged in as say, root, or another admin user, you need the full path. Chances are someone's going to be logged in as that user, but just on the off chance they aren't, I felt putting the full path was more of a universal answer.