Where is Octoprint API Data Published?

Hi All,

Currently working on a home project with my OctoPi (Pi 3B). While debugging a third party plugin (FilamentRevolution sensor: Filament Sensor Revolutions ) I ran into a problem where the Pi wasn't behaving as it was supposed to. So I tried a debug method as suggested in the plugin page, which is to use a GET method at plugin/filamentrevolutions/filament.

But my PROBLEM now is that I don't know where the data is published to run a 'GET' method. I looked into the init.py file of the plugin and found that the data is published at '@octoprint.plugin.BlueprintPlugin.route' as shown in the snap below.


But I do not know what this plugin route is. Any help would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

The documentation is your friend :slight_smile:



Hi Foosel,

First of all appreciate your great contribution for OctoPrint.

According to my understanding of the document the following cURL command should return the response I am looking for:

curl -k -X GET ""

But I get an error message saying 'Forbidden' as shown below.

Any idea why this might be the case? Thanks once again!

Yes, because of what's documented here:



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Hey Foosel,

You are a legend dawg :wink: ! It worked! Just had to use the API key.

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