Generic OV style camera
So I used masking tape on board of camera and to hold the darn ribbon cable in. I didn't secure it on the RPi the same way but I had the board running OP pretty much out in the open.
So I'm working a lot on it tonight and I start getting issues with my BL touch erroring out. I checked it was plugged in properly and it homed fine then. Since I moved my home to the back of plate the gantry would bump the camera which has a wire and clip attachment so it should be fine. However, it was now I notice my octoprint isn't loading. Maybe the camera somehow shorted out the board... I didn't recover any wires or metal that were shorting. I only have plastic in this room.
I ping it fine. Scan ports shows 80 open brefily, then 22 and maybe 443. I can't get any HTTP data. The WiFi chip is blazing hot! I power it down and remove the only things attached which were camera and USB to printer. It boots again and overheats promptly. I just got the thing.
No logs as it didn't boot
Its a RPi B+ attached to camera, sdcard, and ender 3 pro v422 running marlin bugfix 2.0.x.
So I pull out SD card and it gets red led but no act. Chip stays cool. I replace sd card. Starts and act led flashes a few times. About 80 seconds in the chip suddenly begins to get very hot. Probably about once it had Octoprint started.!
I physically move the pi a little when i checked wiring. Perhaps short occurs here.
Odd thing was the camera rolled on until I turned off unit and repowered it. Another camera shows I just flipped switch, didn't mess with the RPi or camera. This is the last frame it took.
After this is when I had connection problems.