I have a Creality CR-10S running Marlin 1.1.8 FW and i have been using Repetier-Server from my PI3 just fine but i wanted to give Octopie also a spin.
I configured everything related to the printer and can also obviously connect the printer to it.
I can do Home XYZ just fine with the manual controls as well as move the X and Y axis using the interface.
However whenever i try to move the Z axis via the control tab it does not move at all. All i am hearing is a humming from the steppers but no movement in either direction what so ever. This is strange because the Home Z command does in fact move the Z axis as expected so i am not sure why this does not seem to work.
Because of this i have not tryed yet to print anyting.
Additional question: I may have missed this but is there an option to give octoprint the movement/accelaration parameters? Repetier-Server has this and i noticed with my above experimenting that when i was moving the x or y axis from the control tab they moved in the right directions etc but at a much slower speed then on my Repetier-Server setup.
In your printer profile you can set the movement speed. OctoPrint may be trying to move the printer faster than the axis can move, you might want to fix that by setting a lower max speed in your firmware (never rely on host software to set any kind of speed limit).
There's a plugin in the repository that allows you to change the acceleration / movement speed parameters in your eeprom, just pick the one for your firmware (marlin vs repetier firmware)
Yeah i know about that plugin and i have it installed.
Regarding the original issue. I just did a quick test print and thankfully the gcode is executed correctly (with working Z axis movements) so i really don't understand why the move Z axis commands from the control tab don't seem to work.
A look into the terminal tab might provide some clues here. That would allow to verify that a) OctoPrint is sending the commands and b) they are accepted by the firmware.
I have a similar problem. My Z axis moves very slow when controlling with OctoPrint. I have OctoPrint on two printers (two seperate Raspberry Pis). One OctoPrint works fine, the other sends Z commands with F5 so the Z motor moves very slow. How can I change what speed command is sent when Z movement is selected?
If it were me, I'd first home the Z axis motor. And then I would try to jog it 0.01mm either up or down. If BOTH directions just result in a humming and no movement then something is likely stuck in the machine (perhaps a bit of filament has slipped into the screw threading).
If one direction seems to work but it feels like it's backwards from what you expect, you might do a little research and possibly "invert axis" the Z in the printer's profile in OctoPrint. (It might not actually be backwards, maybe you are just making the mistake rather than the printer.)
My Z axis also moves pretty slow with octoprint but I don't really mind.
If I need it to move faster I use the printers display.
I guess @foosel has implemented a speed limit?
I will say that Marlin's rates are in one terminology and OctoPrint's profile settings page is in another. In OP it's like mm/min and in Marlin it's in mm/sec. Reprap itself appears to be in mm/min.
So at one point, I'd input a maximum move rate that was 1/60th as fast as what it should have been and my jog commands were going slowwwwwwwwwwly...
THANK YOU!! I created an account just so I could thank you for this. This comment saved me from insanity, I have been beating my head against the wall for so long because I hadn't even considered that OP and Marlin would be using different increments of time.