ArthropodOfDoom Patron
Fantastic stuff! Always glad to see open source projects converging on more efficient production of the project to the benefit of both those who develop it and those who use it.
Fantastic stuff! Always glad to see open source projects converging on more efficient production of the project to the benefit of both those who develop it and those who use it.
@Mcmasterp all I can promise is that they might arrive around noon CET of The Release Day™ more often now than around the afternoon
It's always good to be able to automate the boring things! I use fabric extensively and help out with support on IRC when people have questions. I noticed you don't use @task
decorators in your fabfile for the fabric tasks that should be accessible. You can prevent fab -l
from displaying functions like env_from_yaml
and dict_merge
by only decorating the functions you wish to become tasks. Also since you use Fabric 1.x I assume you already know that 2.x is not quite ready for prime-time. There's currently an effort planned to bring patches from the "Fabric3" fork in to the main tree to add Python 3 support for Fabric 1.x while 2.x work continues.
Ah, thanks for that, I'll have to add @task
. The fabfile organically grew over the years and at first only consisted of tasks. I honestly never checked if there was a decorator for that ^^
I am actually running my build via "Fabric3" since I already ran into the issues you mentioned. Tried half an afternoon to migrate my existing stuff to 2.x and then gave up frustrated and just used the fork with Py3.
Wow that allot that goes into a release! Never would have guessed. Open source can be quite fulfilling, but also demanding. Keep up the great work!
Thank you for doing such complete testing, it definitely shows in the quality of the releases.
I first saw the sd-mux back in October, colleagues who do a lot of embedded Linux and thus similar use cases were showing it off. I was considering it as a way to put files on my printer's SD card until I found out the price... (I think I can actually get away with just sharing the SPI pins, but it hasn't been important enough to me for now.)
Hadn't heard of Fabric before, looking into it.
Thanks for the useful post!
We all under-appreciate how much work and and effort that you put in to OctoPrint. That does not mean that we are not all eternally grateful. It is great to see that actual process involved hardware wise that is necessary to deal with a micro SD based system.
Impressive test rig!
I am not a programmer or developer but set how i could use some of these ideas for maker projects. Bringing up the idea of automated setup is there a way to preset things, for the lay user? Such as:
-config file that can be dropped onto the sd card after imaging
--either updating a text file or a web similar to the Duet 3D reprap configurator. This would also enable designating which plugins to add
-setup questions during first boot of octopi
-more setup questions during the web interface setup when first accessing Octoprint
I realize not every one is using the same Linux distros but something that can detect the most commonly used versions and make changes to them. I, for one, like to assign a static up to raspbian. I believe a config file would also improve pip and distro upgrades. Backup the current config file as a quick way to restore any lost settings. Or use it on a clean install.
1 replyI'd tried using those external sd reader things you've got in the first picture, but, I found that cable length seemed to have a detrimental effect on certain speed sd cards. Varying the cable length seemed to mitigate it slightly, but still left questionable results
A brief attempt was made to build something like the mux you listed, but, I gave up on that due to the ridiculously small scale of things that needed to be soldered
Of course, I had no idea that a SDmux even existed
Thank you for all your hard work !
1 replyThat's an idea that I've had as well, but have not yet had time to dig into. Mind you, that would be more of an OctoPi feature than an OctoPrint feature (difference see here).
Since OctoPi usually runs headless that's pretty impossible - you can't display setup questions if there's no display.
Like? Imho the first run wizard is already fairly long and it would be detrimental to user experience to add a ton more stuff to it.
Just to make sure, you are aware of the bundled backup plugin?
I must have been lucky then Had been rocking this setup for 5 years or so now, before I built the new rig.
And this is improved in the next 1.4.1 release as the initial wizard step is restore from backup.