Camera does not work in Octopi!

webcamd.log (287.2 KB)

Hi folks!
I was installing the following Camera in my Raspberry Pi 4 to use the Octopi Camera modes, but it does not work yet.
I have configured the following line into /boot/octopi.txt

camera_raspi_options="-x 1296 -y 972 -fps 10 -quality 95

Camera model

Anpro Kamera für Raspberry Pi 3 Modell B + (Plus)

What is the problem?

Webcamstream nicht geladen

Es liegt evtl. eine Fehlkonfiguration vor oder es werden Logindaten benötigt. Du kannst die URL des Streams unter "Einstellungen" > "Webcam & Zeitraffer" > "Webcam" > "Stream-URL" ändern. Falls du keine Webcam hast kannst du Webcam-Unterstützung dort auch deaktivieren.

Aktuell konfigurierte Stream-URL: /webcam/?action=stream

What did you already try to solve it?

Logs (/var/log/webcamd.log, syslog, dmesg, ... no logs, no support)

Find the webcamd.log attached.

Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, ...)

Raspberry 4 with 4GB RAM

OctoPrint version : 1.6.1
OctoPi version : 0.18.0

Many Thanks for your Help in advance!
Cheers, Bertl

Make sure this tiny little ribbon cable is connected properly. It pops off pretty easily, especially during shipping:

Next, ssh in and run vcgencmd get_camera. You should get both supported and detected = 1, like this:

taylor@printerpi:~ $ vcgencmd get_camera
supported=1 detected=1

If detected isn't 1 then the pi isn't seeing the camera. Check the cable as above and the larger ribbon cable too, just to be sure.


Many thanks for your tip @TTalkington !
the reason was the connection of the camera eye. it was not connected correct!

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