Camera model
Pi Camera V1.3
What is the problem?
Cannot get a video stream from the Pi Camera V1.3 on the new camera stack. The USB camera stream works on this install. Rolling back to the old camera stack on OctoPrint 1.9.2 I get a video stream from the Pi Camera. I've been googling and trying different things and not having any luck.
What did you already try to solve it?
following the New Camera Stack FAQ for setup.
Enabling legacy camera support in raspi-config (disabled when it didn't work).
adding --http-listen= to /etc/camera-streamer.conf.d/libcamera.conf OPTIONS
adding camera_auto_detect=1 and dtoverlay=ov5647 to /boot/octopi.txt
unplugging USB cam
Have you tried running in safe mode?
Did running in safe mode solve the problem?
Systeminfo Bundle
[|attachment](upload:// (52.6 KB)Additional information about your setup
OctoPrint version: 1.9.3,
OctoPi version:1.0.0,
printer: Ender 3 Pro,
firmware: Marlin,
browser: Chrome,
operating system: Windows
Here's my libcamera.conf (as a log file for uploadability)
libcamera.log (805 Bytes)
Here's my usb-USBCam.conf (as a log file for uploadability)
usb-USBCam.log (510 Bytes)