What is the problem?
As per title.
pastebin log
What did you already try to solve it?
Tried installing the fix plugin for Genius plugin. Tried removing Genius plugin.
Have you tried running in safe mode?
Systeminfo Bundle
octoprint-systeminfo-20231011191714.zip (57.7 KB)
Additional information about your setup
OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, browser, operating system, ... as much data as possible
OctoPrint 1.6.1 Python 2.7.16 OctoPi 0.17.0
I see that you installed the plugin, but it seems like it didn't do anything. At least there is no output in the logs.
Please try it manually
Alternatively, you can also uninstall the offending module through the command line via pip uninstall logging
For OctoPi :
SSH into your Pi (username: pi, default password: raspberry)
Execute ~/oprint/bin/pip uninstall logging
The update should then run through.
If you need help with ssh connection, follow this guide
Most of the time with my Raspberry PI I remote in using VNC, this is good and I like using a GUI, however sometimes this can be cumbersome and time consuming. Today I will show you how to get a remote terminal (SSH) on your Raspberry PI. Whats even...
Est. reading time: 1 minute
username: pi
password: raspberry
I will also note that this issue upgrading only occurs on old Python 2 installs. 1.7.3 is nowhere near the latest OctoPrint version because you are running on an old, now unsupported OS setup. You should upgrade to make sure that you are using Python 3.
[OctoPrint 1.8.0 no longer supports Python 2, upgrading should be done as soon as possible!]
If you are still running Python 2 and using OctoPrint 1.7x, you will see warnings like this:
[You are still running Python 2 warning]
You need to upgrade your OctoPrint install to use Python 3, as Python 2 is end-of-life and OctoPrint 1.8.0 and later no longer supports running using Python 2. In addition, there's at least 75 plugins that already don't support Python 2 and more will follow, that you wβ¦
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I am unable to login to ssh as the user/pass is not being accepted.
Which ones did you use?
Standard credentials for OctoPi are pi/raspberry
- as long you did not change them.
I am using pi/raspberry
I do not recall if they were ever changed, but I doubt it.
I hope this way still works
Take the SD card out, put it in a card reader. Create a file octopi-password.txt on it, containing a new password as it's only line. Unmount, boot, login with the new password.
Put that in ages ago for cases liked this and for easier provisioning. Should hopefully still work.
If it doesn't work try this
Forgetting your password is never a good experience, especially when it's the main password, the one to unlock your operating system. But no worries, there are different ways to recover it (or rather reset it),
But if I were you I would backup OctoPrint via the backup and restore feature and just flash a fresh OctoPi version onto the sd card. Your OctoPi version is pretty old and outdated.
January 10, 2024, 8:30pm
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