What is the problem?
Arduino IDE (both from the distribution and the Arduino ARM file) doesn't launch
What did you already try to solve it?
I've tried installing as root and manually creating the directories it can't find.
Additional information about your setup (OctoPrint version, OctoPi version, printer, firmware, octoprint.log, serial.log or output on terminal tab, ...)
Octopi-strech-lite-0.16.0 Pi image and IDE from distro plus 1.8.8 and 1.8.9 form the Arduino site.
I just need to know if I have to troubleshoot from the octoprint image side or the Arduino IDE side. Anyone else have this issue?
I do have it on my pc. Until I can figure out Python and can drive WS2812b LEDs from the Pi natively I have an Uno connected to the pi to drive the LEDs that light the bed. If I want to change the color of the leds I need to move the usb cable back to my laptop to change the program. I'm still in the beginning stages of this and so far I haven't had an issue with the desktop running on the Pi with octoprint. I haven't found RGB plugins that fit my needs yet and I already know how to use the IDE.
I did some work with the Neopixel style of LEDs, noting that they seem to like a 5V logic level rather than the 3.3V of the Raspi. I'm reasonably certain that the WS2812B are the heart of those Neopixels, for what it's worth.
That said, it's reasonably easy to get the Arduino (5V logic) to drive them. Getting the Raspi to drive them (3.3V logic) is problematic. You may need a logic level converter from 3.3V to 5V for this project. You might want to read within the tutorial space on Adafruit for this one.
Hi. I already have a buck converter that I'm presently using to drive the Pi from the printer's power supply. Once I get some more components from TH3D (including a usb hub) I'm going to use that converter to feed 5V to the NeoPixels. Then I'll only need to send data from the Pi.
You'd connect pins 1 & 2 to the output of the Raspi, then pin 3 goes to 4 & 5. Pin 14 goes to the Raspi's 5V and Pin 7 goes to the Raspi's ground. Pin 6 then is a 5V-oriented conversion of the 3.3V logical level presented on pins 1 & 2. So, one half of that chip can be used to convert 3.3V to 5V output. The other half of the chip then can be another converter. The cost of these is around a dollar, versus the cost of higher-priced level converters.
I think I understand what you mean now. The LOGIC signal needs to be 5V/0V, not just the power rails. Totally missed that! I thought since I was providing 5V through the converter that the data signal level didn't matter. Duh! Long day.
Also, keep in mind that lots of LEDs are too hungry for the Raspi. For the 60-LED big ring that Adafruit sells, I had to dedicate a 10A 5V switching power supply for that.